Wallpaper Thread #7

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Dingbat love your walls. CSISenna glad ya like the H /tree one lol BT thanks, glad you enjoy them. Here's another one. May be awhile before I post another. Youngest grandaughter(she's 7) started her Christmas break today. Will have my hands full. LOL

How do you post thumbnails, anyway?
Since I have no knowledge of this forum at all, I have no idea. xD I'm new, by the way. Hi! *waves*

I.. have done a wallpaper. First and so far only, and I'd love your opinions so I can get better. :)

http://i10.tinypic.com/6p9xooi.png (50% of original size)

I love the wallpaper you guys did. xD I especially like the one when they're on that Beam, which I will probably snag and use. ;D
Welcome, Distraction! First of all, great wallpaper!

In order to post a picture here (thumbnail or otherwise), you have to have 100 posts. It may sound like a lot, but it doesn't take that long. You may want to check out the FAQ

Hope you enjoy your time here :)
CSISenna, awesome new walls. I especially like the style of the D/L one. This is just great! :)
And a big hi to out newbies Phobia and Distraction (Btw... are there some issues you wanna discuss? Phobia? Distraction?? Seriously... we can help! ;) :lol: Just kidding...)! Always good to have new artists around.
Distraction, I really like your wall. I hope we will soon see more from you. :D
Phobia, very cool Greg wall. Awesome blending. Like it a lot. :p Keep on posting!
fallenthrough... what can I say? Another great wall. Like the dark atmosphere you create with them. Awesome.
katpin, SMACK! Yay, way to go! Cool posting.

Another wall from me from the greatest M/S shipper eppy this season on NY: Time's Up. Fruitbat where are you? You see I keep on my promise... :D

Hahaha, thank you BonaTaylor! And nah, no issues as of yet, but now I know I can come to you. ;D
I like your wallpaper a lot, you used some neat pictures and blended them nicely. The letter is a nice touch, and I like the colourscheme. If you'd like crits, I think that the blue on the middle-Mac is very distracting (which you'd maybe expect me to like, haha). :) Keep it up, though!
Distraction said:
Hahaha, thank you BonaTaylor! And nah, no issues as of yet, but now I know I can come to you. ;D
I like your wallpaper a lot, you used some neat pictures and blended them nicely. The letter is a nice touch, and I like the colourscheme. If you'd like crits, I think that the blue on the middle-Mac is very distracting (which you'd maybe expect me to like, haha). :) Keep it up, though!

Thanks very much for your kind words and the constructive crits. I did change it now, cause it distracted me as well, but I was too lazy to work the details before posting. Since editing time is over I won't post the improved version, but it does look better now. :D

CSISenna , thanks a lot and sure you're welcome to snag it. :)
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