Wallpaper thread #5

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I looked through the last few threads and it didn't look like there were any official rules posted or anything...so this thread is for requests and showcase of your wallpapers. Everyone remember the rule for the picture sizes, and all that good mumbo jumbo, but that's never a problem here :D

I'll start off with a few of my own.....I'm new at this wallpaper business so bear with me haha.
Emily and Kenny Chesney
Tim Speedle
Calleigh Duquesne
Eric Delko
Horatio Caine
Calleigh Duquesne (Diffrent Style)
DuCaine (Simpler than first one)

Happy posting!
Hey Wyoming love your walls. For being new they're great. I'm partial to the Horatio one. LOL Hope to see more.
Wyoming - I echo katpin's sentiments - great walls - never would have guessed you as a beginner! :D

I found some great textures and brushes by a talented resource creator ca_pris and decided to create a few walls using them. So, I've created a wall for each of my fave ships and for my fave CSI character - here they are:

Hope you like them!

(the heart brushes used in the R/C and D/L walls are by michmellow).
can someone pease try a Ryan Wolfe wallpaper out of these pictures (and add any you find fit!!). What the wallpaper says makes no nevermind, be creative!!!

It'd be greatly appreciated!!!

two three

You can use one and make separate WP, or make one WP with all three, and any you wish to add.

But, thanks in advanced to any and all who choose to make an attempt. And of course, credit'll be given where credit is due!
csi_fan_uk your walls are breath taking. ;) Wish mine would turn out that gorgeous. :D They're great. The one of C/R looks like a painting. Colors are gorgeous. Thanks.

CSISenna the Ryan wp I loved it. :D Great job. I posted my last WP's in the last thread. Time to get started making some for the new thread.. :)
Thanks for your lovely comments athens and katpin! :D

I have made three more walls in a similar style. The first two use textures made by ca_pris. The Sara wall uses my own texture.

katpin - I made one of these walls with you in mind - can you guess which one? ;)

katpin - I made one of these walls with you in mind - can you guess which one?

I sure can csi_fan_uk. I love it thank you. I snagged it too if that was okay? :D Here's one I just did. Not that great.

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