Undercover CSI- Part 1


This is a new story. Nick and Sara are married, has a 1 years old daughter and the babies are on the way and they work at Washington, D.C., they will be transferred to Vegas after Grissom need a new CSI becasue his last two CSI quit on him. Warrick and Catherine are not happy with Grissom will get a new CSI. I will start with Grissom then onto Sara. Nick will come later because he has been undercover for a while to get a bad guy, he work for FBI right now. He will be coming to Vegas soon he get down with his case. Julie is Gracie's nanny. Grissom doesn't know Sara is the one coming to Vegas. I will explain on the next chapter, I will be working on Sara's Secret Lover Part 8, Love Bond Part 3 and I will be working on Sara's Choice, it anti-GSR, will be Snickers later.

Rating: PG-13

Category: Romance/Drama

Pairing: Nick/Sara, Grissom/Catherine (they're married.) Greg and Warrick are single.

Summary: Grissom got a phone call from Washington, D.C., he finally got two new CSI. Warrick and Catherine are not happy with Grissom. Sara is so happy to go to Vegas and hopes her husband get there soon.

Disclamer: I don't own the CSI but I do own John and Ellen.

Part: 1

Ellen and John walked in Grissom's office and they told him, they quit because they want to move out East to get away from Sin City and Grissom told them, fine. They left Grissom's office and never be seen again. Grissom can't believe his two best CSI quit on him when the lab need their help so he will have to hires a new one. He pick up the phone to called the sheriff to get a new CSI.

two hours later, Grissom got a call from Washington, D.C. and he finally got two CSI but the only get one csi coming and the other one will be coming soon the person get done with an undercover case and he wonders who will that be. He better get to the break room before Catherine wired his neck for being late, so he got up and went to the break room.

"Hi, guys. I'm sorry, I'm late," Grissom said. "I got bad news for you two."

"That's okay. What do you mean you got bad news for us?" Catherine asked, confusion.

"John and Ellen has quit onus," Grissom explained. "I got a called from Washington, D.C., we will get two new CSI coming. One will be here soon, I don't know when, and the other will have to wait to finish the case then the person will come."

"What?!" Warrick shouted. "John and Ellen quit on us and you already got a new one coming."

"Yes." Grissom said.

"I can't believe you did that," Catherine answered. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

"I'm sorry. You and Warrick need to get to the strip club on Avenue Street," Grissom explained. "Brass wait for you."

"All right." Catherine grabbed the paper and walked out, WArrick follows her outside. Grissom walked back to his office to finish his boring paper.

Meanwhile at Washington, D.C.

Sara Sidle-Stokes walked in her boss's office and sat down on the chair.

"Janice say you want to see me?" Sara asked.

"Yes, you are transferred to Vegas," Cindy said.

"Vegas?" Sara was in shocked. "What about my husband?"

"Yes, you are moving. Your husband wil be with you soon he get done with the undercover with the FBI."

"Okay. When I starts going?" Sara asked.

"You will have to be in Vegas in 4 or 5 days. And you better starts packing." Cindy answered.

"Okay. Thanks." Sara walked out her boss's office.

Few minutes later, she walked in her apartment and saw Julie with her daughter, Gracie and said to Julie, "Hey, how my daughter doing?"

"Hi, she doing great. What are you doing here?" Julie asked. "You came home early."

"I know. Starts packing, we're moving to Vegas," Sara said. "I got a new job waiting for me."

"Okay. What about your husband?"

"He will be coming soon, when he get done with his undercover case."

"All right." They starts packing everything except the funiture and they put their things in the van. Sara put her daughter in her car seat, the ladies got in the van and left Washington, D.C. to head towards Vegas in 3 or 4 days, depend how many place they stop.


Next part 2:- Sara arrives to Vegas and hunt for the apartment to live in before she goes to see the boss. Nick still undercover and he find out the man talks about the wife and daughter and assumed he talking about his wife and daughter, not realizing it was the man's ex-wife and daughter.
wow what a great start to a new story Gilbert. And thnx again fro sending those other parts to the other fic! Hope you update soon.