Trivia Question For CSI:LV

My husband and I were watching CSI on Spike tonight 12/11 They were showing 'Bad To The Bone'. We have tried for awhile to figure out what is the song being played while Grissom and Warrick are digging up the remains behind the motel?
Any clues from the gang here? We'd love to know both the song and the band if anyone knows, thanks ahead of time.
ill send this to the music forum, hopefully someone there will be able to help you out! you can also look around there to see if anyone else has found the song
jeanmacgreen said:
They were showing 'Bad To The Bone'. We have tried for awhile to figure out what is the song being played while Grissom and Warrick are digging up the remains behind the motel?
The song is called Ein Seltener Vogel by Einsturzende Neubauten (they are a German band). :)