Togo Arrested For Suspected Domestic Violence

It could've been nothing more than a push/shove & the girlfriend went into Drama Queen mode making it a bigger deal -- I've seen this happen before, especially if/when they're intoxicated.

ANY type of violence against women - including pushing and shoving and intimidating with the threat of violence is wrong. PERIOD. One of the huge problems with domestic violence is people thinking "just" pushing or shoving or threatening is somehow "not a big deal." The other huge problem is people thinking it's OK to put what happened on to the victim by saying the situation was "no big deal" and they're just being a "Drama Queen" or making more out of what happened than did. If there was any type of violence what so ever that wasn't obvious self defense from being seriously injured on his part he deserves to be punished for it.

I don't know what to say....however I won't jump to conclusion until further information is released.
Wow. This is definitely a shocker, that's for sure. :( But I will echo what others have said--it's hard to "know" someone from interviews and the like. Stars have public personas and private ones, which is natural for anyone who is in the public eye. He's always seemed like an incredibly nice person to me, and I hope there is some other side to this story... but the fact that he got arrested on a felony sounds pretty serious. Isn't this one of the charges that can sometimes be a misdemeanor? I imagine details will come out at some point. Either way, very sad and unfortunate. :(
It could've been nothing more than a push/shove & the girlfriend went into Drama Queen mode making it a bigger deal -- I've seen this happen before, especially if/when they're intoxicated.

ANY type of violence against women - including pushing and shoving and intimidating with the threat of violence is wrong. PERIOD. One of the huge problems with domestic violence is people thinking "just" pushing or shoving or threatening is somehow "not a big deal." The other huge problem is people thinking it's OK to put what happened on to the victim by saying the situation was "no big deal" and they're just being a "Drama Queen" or making more out of what happened than did. If there was any type of violence what so ever that wasn't obvious self defense from being seriously injured on his part he deserves to be punished for it.

I didn't necessarily mean that pushing wasn't a big deal --

some women can get just as physical in heated arguements (screaming, pushing, shoving) leading the man to push back; sometimes in order just to get the girl to back off.

^^ THAT is what I was talking about; the possible case that he was having to defend himself a little. I wasn't condoning abuse in any way shape or form.
I feel for the fans. I would hate it if this was a favorite of mine. It's true you don't really know what "famous" people are like off camera, and yes there are two sides to a story, but actually being arrested and charged and with a felony...doesn't look good.

I don't think there's ever a good excuse for a man to assault a woman. Self-defense? Walk away. If it's really something that serious that you have to defend yourself against it (an attack with a gun or knife or whatever), then it will be obvious when then cops get there and you wouldn't be arrested for your part in it.
^^ THAT is what I was talking about; the possible case that he was having to defend himself a little. I wasn't condoning abuse in any way shape or form.

If he only had to "defend himself a little" then he could have just removed himself from the situation. Unless he was under threat of death or serious bodily harm he has no excuse for any type of physical retaliation, IMO.
Who knows what the full story is....but the pics I saw did show Jon with a black eye so there is obviously more to the story then we know. I just have a hard time believing he would do that! I am so upset about this.
I'm serious when I say my day went to crap when I read this...And they're pictures too!!! My head is spinning right now and I don't know what to think! I'm definately praying that this was somekind of misunderstanding of somesort, because I'm not sure I could see him in the same light anymore if it was.

In any case, we're innocent until proven guilty and I'm not going to assume anything until the full facts are made public (if there ever are).

I know that many of his fans are going to be very hurt by this (I know I am right now) so I hope we will be given some kind of explination if these rumors (that's what I'm calling them right now) turn out to be true.
Yes the pictures I saw he has a black eye and torn pants so it is all very disturbing.
Oh gosh....:(

I'm scared to even venture onto yahoo or even E.T. cause that would just break my heart further.

Praying for the best for all involved...and the fans who are shocked and saddened by these recent turn of events.
Not to defend anyone who assaults anyone, but who knows what went on before he got arrested. I do think people who resort to violence in a relationship should take a very, hard look at themselves and their relationship and decide whether they should continue on this path.

It's a darn shame for his fans though. I echo Smokey's post when I say I'd be heartbroken if it were one of my favourites.
I know that we should stop talking about this and all, but I've just seen the (in)famous pic and, in all honesty, I would suspect of anything but domestic violence. All I know is that something is definetly wrong with the guy....I don't know what it is I'm really sorry for it. I truely hope he's gonna recover and get better ;)
^ yeah, i just saw those pics too and it looks serious. btw, is it just me or did he gain quite a lot of weight? i'm not following him on Miami so maybe it's old news, but i always remembered him as a slim dude.