This 'Wrecking Crew' Leaves A Path Of Destruction

CSI Files

Dead men tell no tales.<p>According to CSI Files sources, the sixth episode of <I>CSI: Miami</I> will be called "Wrecking Crew". The episode opens with Eric and Calleigh in a high-rise apartment building with William Campbell. The man is nervous, and he's rethinking his decision to testify in front of a grand jury. He fears for his life, but Eric and Calleigh have to convince him not to back out.<p>Without Campbell's testimony, there won't be a case for murder against Joey Salucci (first seen in <A class="link" HREF="">"Fade Out"</a>). Campbell points out that if he doesn't testify, the infamous gangster won't have a reason to kill him or his family. Calleigh and Eric remind William that they're there to protect him. Eric looks out of the windows along one wall of the condominium--they're high above the construction site below. Nobody can get to William up here. They're going to escort him to court, and as soon as he has testified, his family will be put into witness protection.<p>Campbell is still reluctant, so Calleigh reminds him that AJ Watkins lost his life because of Joey Salucci. If he doesn't testify, more people will die because Salucci is free. This steadies Campbell's nerves and reminds him that he's doing the right thing. He asks Calleigh if he can go over his testimony with her one more time. She sits across from him while Eric remains near the window, keeping watch over William.<p>The man begins his story: he was entertaining some clients at a club, and they stayed until last call. Campbell only drank soda water--he wanted to keep his mind clear for business. Before he left, he went into the restroom and was in the stall when something went wrong. The stalls were jarred by an impact, and two men could be heard arguing outside. The first demanded to know who the other was and what he wanted. The second man gave a name: Joey Salucci. He shot the first man, AJ Watkins, saying it was for Emma.<p>William stood, horrified, inside his bathroom stall. He climbed onto the toilet and pulled out his cell phone, dialing 9-1-1. When the bathroom door was opened, letting blaring club music pour into the bathroom, William used the sound as cover to whisper an urgent message into the phone: there had been a murder, and he needed help. When the coast was clear and he exited the stall, the body was gone.<p>Eric checks his watch and tells William and Calleigh that they should get going. He reaches for his radio to tell the uniforms downstairs that they're ready, but a shadow falls across the room. Eric looks up and yells for the others to run. The fifteen-story crane from the construction site is barreling toward them, and it's all they can do to get out of the way as the crane smashes into the building.<p>Eric is pinned against the wall as furniture is swept across the room. He yells for Calleigh to take William and get out. The floor begins to give way, and Calleigh leaps away from the windows just before it can take her with it. She looks around for William, and she finds him dangling from what's left of the floor. He's hanging on for dear life, and he loses his grip with one hand.<p>Calleigh grabs his other hand and tries to hold on to him. She gives it all she's got, but he is still slipping. Her eyes are locked with his, and she can see his tears. The floor gives way, and Calleigh can't hold on. Her eyes snap closed, shielding her from the image of seeing William fall toward the mass of jagged metal below.<p>Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. <p> "Wrecking Crew" will air November 3 on CBS.<center></center>