They've got something in common...


Adam Fangirl
Super Moderator
Yeah, the title might be similar to the lyrics of a song. If it's now stuck in your head, I apologize. :lol:

I was looking at pictures the other day and I couldn't help noticing that sometimes, the shows have stuff in common. For example:

The Pose:
Miami--Horatio (of course!)


Detectives in horrid ties:

Has anybody else noticed something that's similar on two (or all three) of the CSI shows? ;) (If you post pictures, make sure they're less than 400 pixels wide--if you're not sure, use a link. ;))

caps from *csi-caps and **Miami Style
I think something else that seems to have become a trend on the shows is the no-tie dress shirts on a lot of the men. Like in the pics you just posted of H, Mac, and Danny they're not wearing ties.
Well the cast makeup...all three seem to have an older male and female (Mac and Stella, Cath and Gris, H and Calleigh) and a younger trio (Danny,Flack,Lindsay,Eric,Ryan...I guess either Natalia or Yelina,Nick,Warrick,Sara) And they all have one African-American (Rick,Alexx,Hawkes).

*thinks all three team leaders look hot in shades*

Each has a higher-up antagonist...Stetler,Hilbourne,Ecklie. I *would* say they all have a captain type person...Brass and Frank are two but NY I guess Mac is kinda both roles, not sure.
If I recall correctly, there was some similarity in labrats when Chad Willingham (Chad Lindberg) joined NY and was compared to early Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda).