There's No End In Sight

CSI Files

Optimism over the resumed negotiations falls flat as the talking ends.

The negotiations that began on November 26 between the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) have already come to a screeching halt. Friday ended with both sides leaving the tables without a deal. The strike began on November 5, and there is no indication that the WGA members will be putting down their picket signs any time soon.

The AMPTP blamed the WGA for the collapse of the negotiations. "Under no circumstances will we knowingly participate in the destruction of this business," they said in a press statement issued shortly after the talks fell apart. The WGA described the final proposal from the AMPTP as an "ultimatum", and the producers have said that they refuse to return to the negotiations if the WGA does not take certain items off of the table. According to a statement issued by the WGA, "the AMPTP demands we give up several of our proposals, including Fair Market Value (our protection against vertical integration and self-dealing), animation, reality, and, most crucially, any proposal that uses distributor’s gross as a basis for residuals. This would require us to concede most of our Internet proposal as a precondition for continued bargaining."

As both sides point fingers at one another for the continued strike, the AMPTP described the WGA as unwilling to commit themselves to negotiations: "Quite frankly, we're puzzled and disheartened by an ongoing WGA negotiating strategy that seems designed to delay or derail talks rather than facilitate an end to this strike." However, the WGA insists that they would like nothing more than to iron out a deal: "We remain ready and willing to negotiate, no matter how intransigent our bargaining partners are, because the stakes are simply too high. We were prepared to counter their proposal tonight, and when any of them are ready to return to the table, we’re here, ready to make a fair deal."

While negotiations are off and on behind the scenes, the networks are trying to find ways to fill their television schedules with programming that will continue to draw in audiences. CBS CEO <font color=yellow>Les Moonves</font> announced that the network is preparing to borrow shows from sibling network Showtime to air on CBS as soon as this winter. Although Moonves did not specify which programmes were being considered, it is possible that Dexter, a series with a crime theme, could be added to the network famous for the CSI franchise. Regardless of which programmes are chosen, CBS would edit the episodes to obey the network's standards and practices.

For more information on the WGA strike, visit Deadline Hollywood Daily and Variety. The article about CBS borrowing programming from Showtime comes from Variety.<center></center>
*sigh* It's like disgreeing children too stubborn to admit that both are wrong, and work on contracts from there.

Do they really think borrowing shows from other networks is really going to save the tv viewrs spirits? For me that would be a no, I don't watch much tv but what I do watch are the shows important to me. I'm not going to pick shows up on the fly, so I will be reverting to my shows on DVD.
ummmm...that would be really stupid to air dexter on CBS. Edited Dexter would suck. There is swearing, nudity and loads more gore. But thats the fun of the show!!

Honestly I am sick of all of this. I can't stand unions, for this reason. They could have just waited until their contracts ran out, then done it. Its pretty sad how many people will be out of work because of this...

Oh well, reality tv has lots of shows!
I generally agree with the WGA (partially because damn, the AMPTP tends to look like a bunch of douchebags), but I'm the first to admit that both sides maintain some of the blame for this continued circus. There's so much back and forth poo-flinging between the head honchos that I wonder why they can't apply themselves with the same dedication to negotiating for an end to the whole thing. Name-calling doesn't do anybody any good.

And you know, I'm sick and tired of biased reporting. I know it's just a fact of life, but why doesn't Variety just declare its undying love by planting a big, wet kiss right on Nick Counter's ass? Not that Deadline Hollywood Daily is necessarily any better--they're slanted in the opposite direction, but it's hard to find anybody that isn't leaning one way or the other. Reading two biased reports doesn't make me feel like I've got both sides of the story, it just makes me wonder what in the hell is really going on.

I have to say, every time I read anything Nick Counter says, I get the impression that he is a Grade A asshat of epic proportions. Actually listening to his voice would probably make me grind my teeth, and I don't need dental problems. Honestly, so much of what the AMPTP says is so snobbish that I can't imagine why they think Average Joe is going to want to play in their sandbox. The WGA has done a much better job of appealing to the public at large, I think.

And as for the AMPTP, I've had it up to here with them tossing out the line about 'the average WGA member makes $200,000 a year'. You know what, I don't care if it's true (although it's definitely misleading)--it's a number without perspective. I have a question: how much does the average AMPTP member make? For that matter, Mr Counter, how much do you make per year? It probably makes $200,000 look piddly in comparison. Hollywood is not Average Town, USA, and we're talking about an industry that makes billions of dollars a year--of course it's going to look like a shitload of money to most of us. However, it comes down to the principle of the matter: if the overall income is higher, that money should trickle down. Just because a lot of people would love to make 200 Gs a year (the issue of overall income in the US is a different matter altogether) does not mean that the 'average' WGA member making 200 Gs is "fair". Trying to make the WGA look greedy kind of backfires when people think to wonder about the AMPTP's salaries as well. Because ain't that the pot calling the kettle black? I doubt the 'average' producer makes less than $200,000 a year.

Gah, I'm so sick of the, 'You suck!', 'No, you suck!', 'Yeah, well, your mom sucks!' crap going on back and forth. Like wolfesgamergirl said, it's like children arguing and denying any wrongdoing on their own part.

Like I said in the beginning, I believe the writers deserve their fair share of the billions made by the entertainment industry, whatever that might be in comparison to what Average Joe makes. However, this whole situation is just tiring, and a lot of people are losing their jobs because of the fact that mouths keep flapping but there's no communication.
i think even if they give into the writers demands, they will just increase the price of the dvd sets, or charge money for viewing online content. Then the consumer will be paying the price.
So I assume the WGA and AMPTP won't be sitting aroud the table very soon. Does this mean the whole new season that started in September has come to and end yet ??
xfcanadian said:
i think even if they give into the writers demands, they will just increase the price of the dvd sets, or charge money for viewing online content. Then the consumer will be paying the price.

Quite true, not only are the they fighting amonst themselves, but they are fighting to see which side that the fans choose.

They know we crave CSI and that we want new shows but we also want what is right for all involved.

Starting to feel like a huge game of tug of war to which I don't want to be apart of. Both sides have been in this business long enough to know that not everything can go the way they want. Something is always going to have to give sadly right now it's the new eps of the season, and in the future it could be season 9 and beyond.

ETA: Just heard on the news that caterers, hair dressers, stylists, etc are also joining the picket lines to help out the writers. Like XFCanidian said everyone in the industry i being effected....