The X Files

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In the category of "canceled shows" here's another one of my favorites. The X Files...

I loved it from the first second I saw it. And I've been hooked ever since. The show was canceled a few years ago but that didn't change me. I have season 1 till 7 (and plan to buy the rest any time soon) on dvd and when I'm, not watching CSI. I'm watching The X Files.

Favorite season, favorite episode, most hated episode/season, opinions on cast and storylines..

Any other (former) Xphiles around here?!
I LOVED "The X-Files" -- it's my favorite show ever -- but I wasn't upset when it was cancelled. IMHO, they should have ended it after season seven.
Loved this show. Was only about 8 when I started watching it. I thought I was brilliant watching something 'scary' like the X files.

Stopped watching in the later episodes. Always though Mulder and Scully should have gotten together. Did they once kiss though or have I gotten it wrong? I always thought they did in the movie, but when I rewatched it they hadn't so I can't quite remember where I've gotten it from. Anyone know?
As we already have an X Files thread in the forum, I'm going to lock this one. I've bumped up the existing thread, so you can carry on discussing in that one. :)

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