The Wedding Dance.



The Wedding Dance.
By: smexy_smzanda
Author's Note: Just a little fluff story I wrote one day. Came to me after watching Gary Dourdan perform at Live 8. Don't get me wrong, he has a great voice, but rap is not his thing. He's more a soul/R and B singer. Anyways, hope you enjoy it, just my view on the way things should be. Enjoy!

The guests began to quiet down as the man walked up to the microphone.

"This song's dedicated to the happy couple." Warrick said, looking over then guests, then raised his glass to the newly weds. "So, my gift to you is your first dance as husband and wife." The band behind him began to play a soulful tune, and he began to sing. The bride and groom made their way to the floor and began to dance. Soon after, other couples began to dance as well. Warrick looked out at the couples on the floor. Nick and Sarah held each other close, two wounded souls finding solace and comfort in each other. Greg danced playfully with Lindsay, two friends goofing off and having fun. Then there was the bride and groom. The whole gang had wondered when the two of them would finally tie the knot.

"I love you, Gil Grissom." the bride said, arms wrapped his neck, pulling him close for a kiss.

"I love you too," Grissom replied once their lips parted. "Catherine Grissom."
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! :) It's about time mom and dad really get together! They look so good together... :) Sweet and fluffy, smexy smzanda!!!
That was cute, I like it because of Snickers and Grillows. Do you got anymore of your story of Snickers and Grillows?
*chuckles* No, that's the only one. I had a Grillows idea rolling around in my head, all I have to do is crack my head open and get it out on paper/computer screen. I'm currently working on another fic, Nick-centric, but not Snickers.