The Strike Goes On

CSI Files

There is no end in sight.

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike continues, and negotiations between the WGA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) have not resumed since the strike began. One of the biggest topics of contention for both sides of the argument was residuals from internet revenue. It is not known at this point how long the strike will last, or what kind of long-term effects it could have on the industry. Some feel that the strike could be devastating over time, especially to middle-rank writers and businesses that serve production facilities, not to mention the entertainment industry itself as a whole. The strike in 1988 lasted 22 weeks and cost the industry an estimated $500 million. This time around, a long-term strike could cost the industry closer to a billion dollars.

The late-night shows were the first to be effected. <font color=yellow>Jay Leno</font>, <font color=yellow>David Letterman</font> and other late-night hosts showed their support for the writers by shutting down production immediately. They could resume production within a few weeks, but the set-up of the shows would be different. Without writers, there would obviously be no monologues or sketches, and the shows would contain more guest interviews. Primetime television will be affected more slowly than late-night because they have scripts finished and ready to be produced. The three shows in the CSI franchise are expected to finish through episode 13. Other shows will not get so far. Sitcoms, for example, require constant rewrites, so there was little the networks could do to get episodes finished. CBS sitcoms such as The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men have had their production suspended indefinitely.

There has been some conflict over the work of showrunners during the strike. Showrunners are both writers and executive producers, so while they are on strike and refusing to write new episodes, as producers they are still obligated to work on the show. Some showrunners are refusing to cross picket lines and perform any of their tasks until negotiations have recommenced with the AMPTP. A group of showrunners held a rally in front of Walt Disney Studios to show unity among the most highly-paid members of the guild. The rally was meant to encourage other showrunners to refuse to fulfill their jobs as producers until the strike had been resolved. Among the writers present at the rally was CSI: Crime Scene Investigation showrunner <font color=yellow>Carol Mendelsohn</font>.

There has been a lot of support for those on the picket line. The fans at Your Tax Dollars At Work (YTDAW) sent a lunch delivery to the writers of the CSI franchise as they walked the line. <font color=yellow>David Rambo</font> expressed his thanks and explained that the generosity of fans, production offices, agents and other people has kept them well cared-for. For that reason, he made a special request of the fans that would like to make contributions. "What we'd really like most, if you do want to continue to show support for our strike," he wrote in an e-mail to YTDAW, "would be for the fans to make additional donations to CASA [The National Court Appointed Special Advocates] in honor of the striking writers. That way, our strike is helping others in far less fortunate circumstances in addition to protecting our writers' rights."

Rambo shared a link to this video to explain the strike situation. The original news articles from this story come from, The StarPhoenix, and two articles from Variety.<center></center>
Not talking is does anyone expect any agreement to come if they won't sit down again? If they're so eager to get what they want, schedule more talks.
Here is something that may be worth checking out. In short it's an effort to force the execs hands by bombarding them with pencils the way they were for Jericho with peanuts

Arise and Seize the Pencils... Our Evil(it's not evil) Master(we're not masters) Plan is ready to unleash(it's not a dog).(!)

Well, United Hollywood has fine-tuned the pencil concept into an organized and potentially awesomely visual penstravaganza! Witness the electronic mail messed forth to showrunner types:


This week, United Hollywood (the blog) met with a group of showrunners who have particularly vocal fan bases. We discussed the fans’ eagerness to put their energy to use in a unified campaign, and this is what we came up with:

Several fan sites have suggested sending pencils into the networks and studios, and some of them are already doing it. It’s a great idea, and we’d like to take it a step further – get everyone buying pencils at the same time, from the same vendor, to be delivered in masses (like the peanuts were for Jericho.) All the fandoms working together, in concert. It seems that the conglomerates take it for granted that the fans will always be there to purchase content, that their concerns about the strike don’t matter. This is a chance for the fans to show that they do matter.

The campaign itself is fairly simple. We’d like to start it right away, and it goes like this:

Point the fans to , where there will be a banner or button allowing them to click through to buy boxes of pencils. The pencils are plain wooden #2’s, and the company uses sustainable farming for the wood (seriously. They do.) The pricing will be “a buck a box.” (Sustainably harvested wood pencils + PayPal cost per transaction puts us a little higher than the cost of a box if you buy at Office Depot, sorry.) If there’s any money left over, it will be donated to the Union Solidarity Fund, which is a nonprofit for non-WGA members affected by the strike.

When fans click to buy the pencils, they can choose to identify the show they are supporting if they want. (This will generate a database of fans by show – among other things, allowing showrunners to thank fans by group if they want to.)

The pencils will be delivered in bulk, by trucks, like the peanuts were. The deliveries will be to the 6 CEOs of the 6 congloms (Disney, News Corp, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS, GE) one by one – we’ll probably start with GE. If we get enough to pencils to do all 6, then we will. If we don’t, we’ll concentrate on one or two.

If the logistics can be worked out, showrunners who choose to can take part in a “load the pencils” photo op – unpacking the boxes of pencils and shoveling them into bins or boxes for transport to the CEO’s. The visual has the potential to be worth a thousand words – for the fans as well as the general public.

We will suggest that the fans send a message similar to this: “We’re all on the same page. Make a fair deal.”

This has the potential to be a historic moment in fan history – the first time that all fandoms band together to show that they are a force to be reckoned with to the corporate world. Given the passion and commitment the fans are already showing, this seems a good way to both show our appreciation and respect, as well as giving them the direction they’ve been requesting.

We hope you’ll be willing to join us in this effort. It won’t be our last.

Carol Barbee Jericho
John Aboud
United Hollywood

Jane Espenson
Buffy, Battlestar Galactica
Jeffrey Berman
United Hollywood

Rob McElhenney
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Laeta Kalogridis
United Hollywood

Ron Moore
Battlestar Galactica

Marti Noxon
Buffy, Private Practice

Jaime Paglia

Bill Prady
Two and a Half Men

Shonda Rhimes
Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice

Stephanie Savage
Gossip Girl

Joss Whedon
Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse

Pretty offical sounding, huh? Like grown-ups would do. Well, I, as a showrunner... (but with no show... If I have no show, am I a showrunner? What would Jubal Early say?) Anyhoo I'm a tirribly impahtant Hollyville muckity so my opinion counts oodles. And I think this will be very cool. Let's make our (unsharpened) point. I seriously want to spend a day wading in actual pencils with a big ol' snowshovel. And I want the Execs to understand that forcing one show off the air can rouse the public to make themselves heard in a fairly dramatic fashion, but forcing ALL of them off the air... well, might just be a tetch more dramatical-er. Now you all kinda got your own Union. And it's time to strike.

"CBS and Fox, they think were nothin'!
Are we nothin'? NO!
CBS and Fox they think they got us,
Do they got us? NO!
Even though we all wear scarves and glasses,
We're a union, just by sayin' so...
And the world will know!"

So here goes.

Yours ever, -j.

Again, the link to send pencils to media moguls in honor of you favorite show(s) or writer(s) is: