The Rock Romance Quiz

I got 8 right :D Too bad Mandy Moore and Zach Braff aren't together anymore. I thought they were a cute couple. Mandy was funny on Scrubs when she guest starred :)
I got 9/10.

Some thanks are due to a certain roommate who likes to share these little gossip tips....the other is just to plain dumb luck. :lol:
Zach Braff and Mandy Moore broke up? That's so sad! They were adorable, and I loved her on Scrubs.

I got 6/10. I guessed for all of them. heh. I know nothing about entertainment news- I hardly knew who most of these people even were.
I got 6/10, pretty scary since I always tell myself that I will not be a celeb fangirl who knows everything. :)
9/10 - I totally blew it on Josh Groban and January Jones. Of course, I don't know who she is, and only know one of Josh's songs. :rolleyes: