The Orange Show

CSI Files

While on <font color=yellow>Rachael Ray</font>'s television show, <font color=yellow>Eva LaRue</font> (Natalia Boa Vista) talked about the color schemes for CSI: Miami, her daughter the picky eater and her idea for a fourth CSI series.

On a show that is filled with serious subject matter, LaRue said that the cast of Miami is more light-hearted between scenes. "I think those are the most funny shows because you can't take it seriously," she said. "I often wish that they would just tape our rehearsals because then it would be CSI the sitcom, CSI the comedy. We've already got three shows, but I think they could use a fourth."

On a more serious note, LaRue addressed something that the fans have noticed when watching Miami: the colors. "They actually have our wardrobe designer design each show around a certain color scheme," she explained. "So it could be an orange, yellow and blue show; it could be a purple, pink and white show. You never know." The scheme that is chosen is used for the entire cast, including the extras. LaRue explained that viewers could see everyone wearing those colors if they looked in the background. For example, she said that the extras could be "wearing yellow and orange and maybe, like, this splash of blue or something." She said that some fans question why the show is "all orange." "Well," she explained, "because that was the orange show."

LaRue also talked about her daughter, <font color=yellow>Kaya</font>, who is a picky eater and who eats a lot of canned spaghetti. "She needs some variety, something a little healthier," LaRue said. "I want her to have some protein and not just carb load all the time." Ray showed LaRue how to make a chicken mini-meatball soup that both mother and daughter could enjoy. Ray asked LaRue to give a beauty tip in return. "You should've seen me this morning, early this morning. It was not so good looking," LaRue admitted. "It was blotchy and scary. This is a lot of makeup and a lot of hairspray." The tip that she shared with Ray involved getting hair straightened at the salon, which can be expensive. LaRue suggested putting "a little baby powder just in your roots" to absorb excess oil, rather than using a more expensive hair product. She said that it is important "to be careful that it doesn’t turn too whitish-white" from using too much powder. Done correctly, LaRue said that using a bit of baby powder in this way can "get another day out of your blowout."

Video clips of LaRue's visit to Rachael Ray's show can be found on<center></center>
When I first read the title, I was like "What?!" :lol: Hilarious.

Eva is right. They need to show CSI:Miami when they are in humor. I would love to see the bloopers of this show. They should start putting it in the dvd set.
The Orange Show :lol: I love it! But, it does kind of sound like a joke? Do they really have different coloured episodes? Now, whenever I watch it I'll be looking at the background and the colours. :p

The more I read about Eva LaRue the more I love her, she seems great in interviews and really down to earth. She's a great asset to the show. :)
She seemed to be talking about the show in a light-hearted way, but apparently the color scheme thing is real. And it makes sense, because geez if people on Miami don't seem to match all of the time. :lol:

I think the reference to 'the orange show' is saying that an episode seems to have an overwhelming use of a certain color because that's part of the color scheme for that particular episode. I think orange was just an example. :lol:
I wonder if the color scheme is new, because I don't think it was like that in the first few seasons.

But don't you think it was coincidental that out of all the colors they said orange.
I think they must include orange in the color schemes a lot. :lol: I don't watch Miami all of the time, but the orange leaves a lasting impression. :lol:
I was hoping the article would be about her saying they use orange filters to make her look tan and that she's not actually that orange in real life. Alas.

Elsie said:
Do they really have different coloured episodes?

Yes, unfortunately, it's true. They think it's clever. It's not.

I love how she's getting healthy food advice from Retchell Ray. For Kaya's 5th birthday we're hoping she enjoys her very first heart attack.


You will finish this mini-burger salad right now, young lady, or you are not getting any EVOOrange mousse for dessert.
And she's drop dead gorgeous.. breathtaking.. those eyes.. I used to watch her on "AMC' and was taken with her then, she's great. I wished she was on CSI/Vegas :D hope she finds a true love in her life, with two marriages behind her John O'Hurley and John Calihan.. my daughters saw her and John in N.Y. snuggling in a booth a few years ago, and said they were SOOO in love, wonder what happened there :(
I don't watch Miami anymore but interesting article! Yeah I thought that CSI Miami is orangey with all its lighting and the sunshine and the color of Horatio's hair and outfits... LV is blue-ish. I like that Miami crew are so into the details of the show.
From the Quotes You Won't Hear thread:

Ryan: Hey, Eric, what do you think of this?
Eric: It's a shirt. So what?
Ryan: I just bought it. Probably will wear it tomorrow.
Eric: You can't or you will be fired.
Ryan: Whaaaaat? For wearing a shirt.
Eric: It's green. Check the schedule on the board. Tomorrow is purple day. Everyone must wear the same color.
Ryan: Oh, yeah. :(