The Mom Thread

Hope it's ok to post this thread, searched and didn't see one.

I thought maybe there's moms out there who would like to chat about, well, being moms and having kids etc. Some suggestions in tough times, some good laughs, etc. Anyone interested? If you are tell us how many kids you have, their names and ages. :)

I'll go first, I have two kids:
Aidan-3 years old
Kayla-20 months old

I have two boys. Hunter is seven and Alex is almost six. They have been spending the day driving me :mad: !!

Alex is going to be Harry Potter for Halloween and Hunter is a ninja!

I have two boys. Hunter is seven and Alex is almost six. They have been spending the day driving me :mad: !!

I feel for you! My 3 year old can really drive me insane some days!

JacTheRipper said:
Alex is going to be Harry Potter for Halloween and Hunter is a ninja!

Oh how cute! Mine aren't dressing up this year, no parties or anything and I think I'll wait another year to take Aidan trick-or-treating. He's really shy so I don't think he wants to ring on doorbells! :)
Hi fellow Mommies!! :p
I have 3 girls - Rhiannon is 9, Maizy's 7, & Tayler is 3.
They're still trying to figure out thier Halloween costumes, they constantly change thier minds up until the last minute. Drives me a wee bit nuts. ;)

My 3 year old can really drive me insane some days!

ME TOO.:lol: It was never the "terrible-2's" with my kids, it's always 3!!
I have an eight year old daughter.

She's going out as a bat. She's got this cute black dress with wings and make up and a black wig and black nail polish.

Last year she went out as a dead angel. Pale white face, black wig and black wings, black wig and black dress.

WOW! I just found this thread.

I have TWINS. Twin girls they just turned seven.
They are not identical but are similar in their own ways and different in others.

I worried about the 'terrible two's x2!!! but it was at 3 that all that behavior emerged.

Emily is going as a princess. (She is my 'girly-girl')
Katie is my tom-boy and she is going as a tiger :D
Anyone want to share their Halloween stories?
Got cute pictures of your kids?
And how much candy did you let them eat???
I have pictures! I have to figure out how to put them on here though.

We let the boys eat anything they wanted Halloween night and then when they cleaned up their room the next day, we let them have it again. On Sunday we said they could have the same deal, but alas - no clean room, so no candy. They haven't asked since - I think they gorged themselves and got a little candy hangover :D
We didn't do the trick-or-treat thing this year. I think maybe next year we will start it. Kayla just started walking a few months ago cause she had problems so I want to make sure she can walk well.

Would love to see your pics of the kids in their costumes!
My daughter looked adorable in her bat costume. We painted her face white with black lip stick and black fingernails.

I went out as a dead CSI. I put white make up on and wore black base ball hat.
Mine went out as a Jac-o-lantern! He was so cute. My mom made the costume for him. Every house he went to he thanked the people. They all got a big kick out if it. I will post a pic when I finally get them on the computer.
OK, does anyone else's kids do this?

The boys were running back and forth between the living room and their bedroom screaming "Ray SuperGuy!" I have no idea what this is from. Then they started throwing clothes from the hamper at me, and when I turned around to scold them, they ran away screaming "She looked at me! Aargh!!"

So I'm not asking does anyone's kids do this specifically, but do they come up with incredibly wierd stuff to amuse themselves, or are my kids just strange?
Oh, I swear my four-year-old daughter is from another planet sometimes! She does the "running from one room to another and back again" all the time and if I tell her to stop running she says "I'm not running, I'm exercising" or similar! (Somehow, she thinks arguing semantics will get her out of being told off).

As for the Terrible Twos thing, she didn't do it 'til she was 3 either and still has her moments now, but it's easier now she goes to school and I get some peace and quiet.