The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I can't work. Remind me never to take an evening flight--the whole day is shot anyway. :lol:

Naked Danny--now that I could concentrate on. :devil:
watching the re runs over and over, and im still getting withdrawal symptoms, i need help. i just cant seem to get enough of that man to satisfy me.
EllaJ, I love your avatar! :D Is that from March of the Penguins? You have to keep it up until midnight_tiptoes gets back--she loves penguins like nobody's business (no, not that way :lol: ). ;)

I've actually had it sitting in my pictures folder for a few years but I was deleting stuff the other day and saw it..In the DnA thread they're the DnA penguins :lol: 'cause Aiden's always hitting Danny heh..

Watch out for the one they call Pingu. He is the meanest of them all I tell ya...
hehe the little claymation penguin..that show is weeeird
:lol: !!!
I just got a vision of Aiden hitting Danny like that and him falling over.

*glares at penguin avatar* eeeevil!
Poor Danny, getting hit by Aiden, spanked by Flack...who doesn't abuse the poor boy? :lol:
Me, too. :( Poor Danny! He needs to get in a shower and ease those poor sore muscles.

It always comes back to the shower. :devil:
I never doubted that for a second. But wouldn't the spray of the water be hitting Danny too?

That man is not safe. Even from the shower :eek: think TPTB would make it a bathtub scene just to annoy us..Danny would still be just wouldn't be as good :devil:

..and they'd probably try to cover him up with bubbles or something
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