The kid... LV rp


CSI Level One
Hey, no one is replying to anything else i am in, so im just going to start another rp... so hop in whenever, just tell me who you are and I'll make sure everyone knows that!

(people playing)
Nick: Stokeluver
Sara: MissMurder
Greg: csikicksurass
Kid: Stokeluver

Info update: SNICKER! of coarse, cause thats how i work! Nick and Sara are married, Sara's six month's pregnant! And now Nick is on his way back home from a long shift.

ok, lets begin...


Nick gathered his stuff from his locker, and had just begun to walk out the door, when he relized he forgot his house keys... inside his house. So he decided to go ask Sara for her set, and return them when she got home. When he found her, she was out side eating a sandwich. "Sara, can borrow you house keys?" he asked wrapping his arms around her waist.
I'll have a go at snicker. I'll be Sara

"Sure here you go." Sara gave him her keys. "I guess you forgot yours again huh?" She giggled.
Nick loved the way she giggled, it made him feel good. "Thank you sweety!" he said as he kissed her cheak. HE then grabbed the keys and began to walk towards the denaly (how do you spell that?)

(do you know of anyone that might want to join?)

Sara watched him leave. She took another bite from her sandwich to finish it, and stood up. She felt that oh so familiar pain in her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and emptied her stomach. There goes the snack. she thought.

(Sara is pregnant just now right? :confused:)
(thanks, and what do you mean... like she's finding out she's pregnant? or she already knows... cause she already knows, unless you want it to be diffrent?)

Half way home, and nick was at a red light, when he heard a loud screaching sound comeing from the left. When he turned his head, he saw a little girl running from a teenage figure, with a bandana on his head, and baggy jeans. He was running to the girl holding up his jeans shouting 'cum on kid, i just want to talk to you.' but This caught nick's attention, so he pulled over to the side, and sat there waiting for something odd to happen. That time came quicker than he had expected, almost after 30 seconds of waiting, Nick saw the teenager catch up to the girl, and scoop her in his arms. From there, he broght her into the back of an ally. Nick didnt want to take any chances, so he pick up his cell, and called 9-1-1... only he didnt talk, he just placed it on the passenger's seat beside him. (something like how cath did) He walked up to the ally and shouted at he teenager, who almost instantly arose from the ground and did his jeans up as he thought about running. Nick pulled out his gun and aimed for the teen. "HEY! PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR..." only Nick didnt have to finish off his scentance, cops where already pulled up behind him and chaseing the teen.

(sorry for making it so long, but i had to get this down on paper... i had this EXACT dream last night, i just didnt get to finish it, so i thought other people would like to help me do that.)
(I didn't know if Sara was pregnant at this exact moment. I know now she is thanks.)

Sara heard a commotion in the hallway when she left the bathroom. She had no idea what was going on. Then she heard whispers like, "We were dialed by Nick Stokes, 9.1.1 call..." Nicky..oh god Nicky better not be in trouble. Sara was terrified.
Back at the scene...
as soon as Nick had a chance, he ran up to the girl and scooped her in his arms, but she kicked and screamed, she had no idea what was going on... she still thought Nick was the teen. "shhh! its ok, its ok." Nick kept saying to her, he picked her up and hoped she would rest her head upon his sholders. Sure enough she did.
girl- im so scared... im so scared...
Nick- hey, its ok, your with me know... i work with the police officers, we're here to help!
girl- *wraps arms around nicks neck and closes eyes. *says nothing

When Nick had layed her down in his car, so she could get some rest, he picked up his cell phone and called Sara.
Nick was glad that Sara had so much feelings, and worried so much about him.
-ya im fine! dont worry about me. Listen, i need you or cath, but i need a female co-worker to come and check up on this kid. I just caught a guy in the middle of a rape! And the little girl needs tending to... do you mind?
he looked at the girl who remaind a sleep in the car. He wondered how she would be able to sleep after something like that.
-notify Griss for me, will ya?
"Of course I'll check her over, I'll tell Grissom right away. Is she hurt bad Nicky?" Sara's maternal instincts were kicking in. Afterall, in a few months time, she would be a mother.
"no, well i dont think so..." he sighed. "no, i want Cathrene to do this one. Its to much for you right now. I dont want you to worry about our baby." he said sensitivly.
"This isn't about me and our baby Nicky. This is about that little girl. This could help me, I could learn a bit more and be motherly. Please Nicky, please." Sara begged.
Nick shook his head, "well i cant just say no... you to hot for me to do that!" he smiled. "alright. But as soon as you start feeling sad, mad, or get personal... to personal, your off. I luv you! I got to go know"
"Thank you Nicky, thank you. I love you too, see you later." Sara was so happy Nick was letting her process the girl. She wanting to learn to be more motherly, to be more confidant that she could raise a child.
NIck leand against the car as he watched the girl sleep. He turned his head to see that the teen was getting put in the car. "Officer, did you ask the neccesary questions? or am i going to do that back at the lab... in the interrogation room?" He cop looked at nick and told him that this wasnt the first time he had cought this man, in fact it was the second. He then informed Nick about the Teen's name, where he lived, his family and other things like that.
When nick walked back to the car, he could see the girl begining to awaken. He quickly walked up to her and waited for her to be fully awair of where she was. After a while, he got her name -Cindy Stokes. He thought for a second, 'its just a strange coicidance' But when he asked for the parents names, he found out it was his niece. 'o crap!' He couldnt let anyone know about this, he would be taken off the case. But he knew he had to do something about it, so he waited until sara arrived, he'd tell her and ask what he should do