The Ashes and Other Cricket Stuff


ok, I'm nt sure if there is already a topic for this, or if there should be one, so if not, please lock this. (And yes, I did steal the titles from the football/soccer thread...I couldn't think of anything else to call it ;))

So, who out there from either Australia or England (or other countires) are watching the Ashes? I try to watch some of it, but the games go on WAY too long (yes, I know thats what cricket does) and are usually on during school. I usually read what happened in the papers or catch the highlights on the news or sports shows.

But even if I'm a little too busy to watch most of the Ashes, there is one thing that I'll definately watch - The Boxing Day test :D

oh yeah, and GO AUSTRALIA! woooo
Now im english, and although you may be playing slightly better than us at the moment we'll make a dramatic comeback. i mean come on were english, we keep inventing all these sports, and we never win at any of them. cricket was the one thing we were getting good at again.


hahahaha, im an aussie :p can you tell? haha.

i cant wait till boxing day test, im going to the first 2 days, WOOT!!!

roy is a gun, he is so effing awesome.
so is hussey, and bing, and punter, and OMG I LUV THEM ALL!!!

haha, im watching the replay of the day's action atm actually, haha.

ive watched every minute of ashes play so far this summer, and plan to watch every minute to come =D