The Aftermath---sequel to You Owe Me (CSI:Miami-CaRWash)


Prime Suspect
Chapter 1

* 3 weeks later*

* Ryan is in the hospital wating to be called into surgery with Calleigh, Eric,

Horatio, and Alexx*

Nurse: Mr.Wolfe, they're ready for you.
Ryan: Bye guys. Wish me luck.

*1 hour later*

Eric: How long can it take them to fix one eye?
Alexx: Be patient, Eric. He's going to be fine.
Eric: Well, we're all worried and they're taking forever.
Calleigh: Eric, shut up. They'll come tell us when they're done.
*Dr.Fitsapoolooso walks in*
Dr.Fitsapoolooso: I have some bad news. Mr.Wolfe made it through surgery but

something went wrong and he's slipped into a coma.
Calleigh: And you don't know what's wrong?
Dr.:No, but we're going to begin running some test to try and find out.
Alexx: Okay, thanks Doctor. Do you think we can see him now?
Dr.: Sure and they say that talking to a coma patient can help speed up recovery.
Horatio: Thanks, Doctor. Ladies and gentleman,.... we're going to put our

differences aside and go one by one to speak to Mr.Wolfe. Understand?
Eric: Yeah, H, we got it.
Horatio: I'm..... going first.
chapter 2

*Horatio walks in Ryan's room.*
Horatio: Mr. Wolfe..... listen to me. I know you can't comprehend right now but you really need to come out of this. We...... need you here. I know it may seem like not everyone here respects you but we all do. So...... hang in there.

*Horatio walks back into waiting room. Alexx goes into Ryan's room.*
Alexx: Hey sweetie. You need to get through this. Nothing is the same without you. You're going to make it through this, alright? You know why? Because you're strong and everyone wants you to be okay. So you just get better, Ryan. Bye.

*Eric goes in to see Ryan.*
Eric: Hey, Wolfe, listen. I know it may seem like I really hate you. But I don't man. You're one of my closest friends even though we fight all the time. So you really need to come out of this coma. We're not going to leave the hospital until you do. So please just get better.

*Calleigh walks in*
Calleigh: Ryan, you have got to get better fast. We all really need you to. Everyone is so worried about you. I know it may seem like some of us treat you badly here but we don't really mean it. We all respect you. But I..I do more than that. Ryan, I..I love you. I know you don't feel the same way. But they say that coma patients can hear what others are telling them so I just though I'd tell you. Now get well soon.
wow it was so coolhow you showed all the different speeches that they say
it was really cool
please post soon!
chapter 3
* 1 week later. Everyone is taking shifts staying with Ryan in case he wakes up. It's Eric's shift.*
* Eric is sitting in the chair next to the bed watching tv when he hears Ryan stirring,*
Eric: Nurse, Nurse I think he's waking up.
Nurse: Mr.Wolfe, can you hear me?
Ryan: yeah, where am I?
*H, Calleigh, and Alexx walk into the room*
Horatio: You're in the hospital. You've..... been in a coma since you had surgery on your eye.
Ryan: Oh. So that's why I remember you all talking to me.
Eric: Yeah, we heard it would help you.
Ryan: Thanks, guys. For being here for me.
Alexx: of course, sugar. You'd do the same for us.
Ryan: Cal, can I talk to you for a minute?
Calleigh: Sure.
*Horatio, Eric, and Alexx leave*
Calleigh: What did you want to talk about, Ryan?
Ryan: I want to talk about what you said to me.
Calleigh: Oh.
Ryan: Were you serious about what you said? Or was it just the moment?
Calleigh: I was serious. I really meant it.
Ryan: Good. Because I love you too, babe.
*Ryan leans in close to Calleigh. Delko walks in. they move apart quickly.*
Eric: We're going to go pick up some better food than they serve here. Want anything?
Ryan: No thanks.
Calleigh: Me neither. Thanks though, Eric.
*Delko leaves.*
Ryan: Now where were we?
Calliegh: Right here
*she leans in and..................
awwwww so cute!!!!! and i like how you leave us haning. it adds to the romantic suspense :D good job so far i'm looking forward to the rest!!!!
* Alexx and Delko are in a restaurant.*
Delko: You will never guess what I almost walked in on when I went to see if Cal and Wolfe wanted something to eat.
Alexx: Eric, you're kidding me.
Eric: No, actually I'm not.
Alexx: I always thought they would make a cute couple, just play along with what they say in case they don't want H to find out.
Eric: Good idea.
Alexx: And if you are going to bring it up with them, which I know you will, don't be so straightforward about it. Drag it out and see if they tell us.
Eric: Wow, you're good at this aren't you?
Alexx: I have two kids what do you think?
Eric: They date?
Alexx: No, they do that when there in trouble.
Eric: True. I remember those days. Anyway, hurry up so we can go find out.
Alexx: You are just like a little girl.
Eric: You want to know too.
*Horatio walks up.*
Horatio: What do we want to know?
Alexx: Whether Calleigh drinks diet coke or regular.
Eric: Yeah, H, do you know?
Horatio: No....That wasn't what you two were talking about.
*back at hospital. Natalia Boa Vista is walking down the hall towards Ryan's room. She stops at the door and looks in. She sees that Ryan and Calleigh are pre-occupied so she leaves to go and tell someone. She sees Delko standing with H and Alexx.*
Natalia: Hey, Eric, what's up with Ryan and Calleigh?
Eric: Natalia, shhh.
Horatio: What do you mean what's up with Ryan and Calleigh?
Eric: They are getting together, now shh.
Alexx: And don't tell them that we all know. *Looks at Natalia.*
Natalia: I'm not saying anything.
Alexx: Too bad you already did.
Eric: Ladies, it's alright now. Just leave them alone. Wolfe needs someone right now.
Horatio: Well thanks for the information. You guys do know you talk real loud?
*Alexx and Eric look at Natalia*
Natalia: What I didn't tell him anything.
Eric: No, but you told the whole hospital.
Horatio: Okay, okay. Stop. I'm going to go see if I can talk to Wolfe for a minute.
Eric: About what?
Horatio: Not that, Eric. I'm going to see if...... he still wants his job at the lab.
Eric: Alexx, you have any way to stop him?
Alexx: I think so.
Eric: True. I remember those days. Anyway, hurry up so we can go find out.
Alexx: You are just like a little girl.

haha i can picture Alexx saying that
chapter 6
*cell phone rings*
Calleigh: Mmm..Hello?
Alexx: Hey,Cal, you two quit it. Horatio is on his way up there.
Calleigh: Quit what?
Alexx: I already know. Don't worry. So just act like ya'll are talking.
Alexx: Oh and fix your lipstick so it looks like nothing happened.
*Calliegh hangs up her cell*
Ryan: What was that about?
Calliegh: They know, including H.
Ryan: Did you just say that H knows?
Calleigh: Yeah, so act like a normal human being for 5 minutes.
Ryan: Fine.
Calleigh: Alexx said to pretend to be talking. So let's talk.
Ryan:'s watch TV instead.
Calleigh: Fine
*Wolfe turns the tv on and then H walks in*
Horatio: Can I talk to Wolfe alone for a minute?
Calleigh: Sure.
*Calleigh leaves.*
Horatio: Ryan, are you still going to want to work at the lab when all this is over?
Ryan: If I still have a job, yes.
Horatio: Of course you'll still have a job....Mr.Wolfe.
Ryan: Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?
Horatio: No, I actually want to ask you, do you want to keep your job.
Ryan: Yes, I want to keep my job.
Horatio: Then you better keep whatever you have going on with Calleigh.....out of work.
OMG!!!! YAY!!!! Ryan and Caaleigh are together now!!!! *squee* i can't wait till the next chapter!!!! good job, WeWantTogo!!!!
I love it!!!!
chapter 7
*2 weeks later. Ryan, Calleigh, Eric, Horatio, Alexx, and Tripp are at a crime scene at a restaurant.*
Calleigh: So what have we got?
Tripp: Vic is Ally Fisher. Was on a date with loverboy over there. Name's Rory Rande. Says he saw her fall over the balcony.
Calleigh: Sounds hinky.
Ryan: I'll go talk to him.
Eric: How does a guy just let his girlfriend fall over the balcony and how does a girl just fall over the balcony?
Horatio: Maybe.......they had some help.
Ryan: Hey Rory, I need you to tell me what exactly happened.
Rory: I was showing her the view of the city from the balcony then she went and rested on the railing and the railing fell off along with her. I tried to catch her but it was too late.
Ryan: Okay thanks, stay right here I'll be right back.
Rory: Okay.

*back at body*
Ryan: Hey Alexx, does she show any signs of being pushed?
Alexx: Honey, that's all she shows. Defensive wounds on her arms, scratches on her face. She put up a fight.
Ryan: Thanks, Alexx.
Calleigh: What did you find out?
Ryan: Rory said the railing fell off so she lost her balance and fell off but the vic. is covered in defensive wounds.
Calliegh: That is very hinky.
Ryan: Yeah it is. Come with me to talk to him.
Calleigh: Sure.

Ryan: Hey Rory, what aren't you telling me?
Rory: What do you mean? I told you everything that happened.
Ryan: Actually no, you forgot to mention that you pushed her. So tell me the whole story or I'm going to arrest you right now.
Rory: Okay, I showed her the veiw of the city from the balcony then some man comes out of no where and starts to try to push her off there was another guy who helped and he held a gun to my head so I couldn't do anything.
Ryan: Did you get a look at either on eof these guys?
Rory: Yeah both were white guys. One was tall and built and the other was skinny. I heard the name John.
Calleigh: Good. There's a start.
Rory: And I think she had an old boyfriend named John but I'm not sure.
Calleigh: Perfect.

Ryan: Go tell H what we found out.
Calleigh: Okay.
Ryan: Oh and we still have plans for tonight, right?
Calleigh: Yeah as long as you don't push me off a balcony.
Ryan: Haha you're so funny