Terror threat level critical in UK


We Stand 'United, Resolute And Strong'


Updated: 21:00, Saturday June 30, 2007
The Government has raised the national terror threat level to "critical" after a burning Jeep was rammed into the terminal building at Glasgow airport.

The country is now at its highest threat level and means further attacks are expected "imminently".

The level was raised in response to the events of the last 48 hours - an attack on Glasgow airport, and the planting of two car bombs which failed to detonate in London.

Gordon Brown made a short statement after emerging from a Cobra emergency meeting, where ministers discussed deploying troops at UK airports.

Mr Brown said: "The first duty of the Government is the security and safety of all the British people. So it's right to raise the levels of security at airports and crowded places.

"I want all British people to be vigilant and support the police. I know the British people will stand together united, resolute and strong."

The Jeep Cherokee was rammed into the terminal at 3.11pm this afternoon.

Witnesses reported hearing a series of loud "bangs" and saw two men - one of whom was on fire - emerge from the vehicle.

As holidaymakers ran screaming from the terminal, one member of the public managed to floor the man who was in flames.

The suspect was then arrested by police and taken to Paisley's Alexandra hospital, which has since been evacuated.

The second man was arrested and taken to Govan police station. Police sources said officers used mace spray on one of the suspects to subdue him.

Some witnesses told Sky News they saw three men in the Jeep, and they were all wearing boiler suits.

Blackpool airport has been shut by armed police and security tightened at other UK airports. The US has also installed extra security at its airports.

Sniffer dogs are checking for explosives at Glasgow airport. There were reports of an incident at Heathrow airport this evening, but police said it was a "non-suspicious car fire".

It comes just a day after two car bombs were found in London. And it is in the same week that Gordon Brown became Britain's new Prime Minister, and is exactly seven days before the second anniversary of the 7/7 attacks in London.

The Jeep was being driven at around 30mph when it smashed into a glass door at Terminal One of Glasgow airport.
There was chaos at the scene
There was chaos at the scene

Hundreds of shocked holidaymakers were in the area at the time, and witnesses said some of them removed gas cylinders from the jeep.

There are reports the occupants - described as Asian males - were trying to pour petrol on the flames.

Scott Gleeson said he saw the jeep speed up and swerve towards the terminal at an angle to hit the door.

"They were obviously trying to get through to cause as much damage as possible," he said.

Holidaymaker Stephen Clarkson said he knocked one of the men to the floor before police intervened.

He said: "There was an Asian male. He was lying on the floor and he was on fire, the Jeep was on fire as well.

"The fellow got up and started fighting with police. I managed to knock the Asian fellow to the ground and four police officers got on top of him."

He added: "His whole body was on fire. He was quite a big fellow and was disorientated otherwise I wouldn't have been able to knock him down."

James Edgar told Sky News: "There was a lot of anger - if the crowds had got hold of this gentleman it would have been the end of him."

The airport has been closed and holidaymakers are being sheltered at nearby buildings. Passengers on 12 jets that landed at Glasgow airport are still on board their planes.

Sad. I don't want another attack to happen. Hundreds of innocent lives are killed during those stupid things.
What a wonderful world we live in. [/sarcasm]

It's always a question of 'when' not 'if' now. I guess the latest incidents were co-ordinated to coincide with Brown becoming PM.
It's just a matter of luck that no one's been hurt.
Its a small miracle that no one has been hurt so far, apart from one of the perps himself. Although the two perps who performed the attack at Glasgow Airport or Glass-co as they seem to have been sayin on CNN and Fox News :lol: had intended to make martyrs of themselves committing the act but they were unsuccesfull.

Its been a scary couple of days. It has hit close to home for me. A few of my friends and family have been affected the past couple days both in London and Glasgow. :(
IT'S HORRIBLE>. so scary, and those A..holes, what's their point :mad: get a life. Our airports here, have stepped up security as well, Our prayers are with you all! and Scotland Yard is fantastic you guys rule!
It kinda has me worried now. My girlfriend lives in the UK and she texted me when the attack on Glasgow Airport happened, telling me she uses that airport frequently for work and stuff. Its just kind of scary.. She also said she was in London 2 years ago when the boms went off. Thank God she was okay but it hits close to home once again now.

I don't understand why people want to make innocent victims? Why crash a burning car into a terminal filled with innocent passengers? I mean.. seriously.. you're screwed up.

I've been following the news about what's happening in the UK and I heard two of the suspects were actually doctors. Don't doctors take an oath or something? Saving lifes instead of taking them?
They 'doctors' got their medical qualifications in Iraq and Jordon. But still they had to be vetted to practice medicine in the UK and they seemed to have passed that. So I guess it takes all sorts.

But the fact they are foriegn nationals who have done this has infurated me. It infuriates me period but these cheeky bastards have come to our country to earn money to devise and carry out a terrorist plot to kill its inhabitants.

The UK has so many extreme islamics living and working here. Both foriegn nationals and British born. U don't know how close by some of them are operating.

There has been arrests in Liverpool and Blackburn in the past couple of days and both are less than 25 miles from where I live :(
There has been arrests in Liverpool and Blackburn
Guess where I live? Blackburn. You know the guy who recently got put in prison for 22 years, he was born and raised in Blackburn. Couple of years ago a guy got arrested for being a terror suspect about 5 minutes walk from my house. Now *thats* scary.

People are starting to get fed up. Theres gonna be a revolt or even worse a civil war, I know that sounds dramatic but I can see it happening. And these extremists wonder why some people are racist? That's not justifying racism at all.(I think it's discusting) Every asain I know is lovely and I don't have a bad word to say against any of them. It's a shame the minority is giving the majority a bad name.

Some of my very very good friends will be at uni in London starting in September and honestly, the thought of them getting caught up in all of this scares the crap outta me. :(

All we need to do, is stick together, show these ignorant aholes that they can do whatever they want, our way of life will NEVER be affected. They can try, but they will never suceed.
Blackburn, Bolton and Oldham oh and maybe Nelson to me seem to have the highest population of Asian inhabitants than any other town in the North West. We have hardly any Asian people living in Wigan (where I live) It must be a hard time for your normal British Asian families living an honest life, making an honest living, and are proud to call Britain their home. They get tarred with the same brush as the terrorists do because of their race/ethnicity/religion. It is a shame but it is an unfortunate way of the world in these parts these days. You have alot of traditionalist, of the old generation who are set in their ways and point the finger.

I do have my issues though, which I won't discuss on here as I feel it make get a little to heavy for a CSI message board :lol: I am by no means racist, but I do have my gripes about the governments policies on immigrants. But like I said I won't get into it on here :lol:

On saturday night at Heathrow Airport, the police stop checked every single vehicle entering the terminal drop off point. It caused seriously rediculous delays to peoples flight, so in the end they just stopped cars with Asian drivers. Now I can see why Asain people would get amazingly frustrated and wouldn't be able to feel anything else but discriminated agaisnt. But on the other side what can the police do? In todays world? how many terrorist are of Western Ethnicity? You cannot win at at each end.

Its a sad realistation, it is only a matter of time before something on the scale of 09/11 or 11/09 hehe happens again, if not bigger, if thats even imaginable!!! The Plot to blow up transatlantic flights from UK to US was foiled on the 11th hour last August. Just imagine what would have happened if MI5 hadn't clued on about that one? Imagine the fall out from that? It doesn't bare thinking about. Something will happen though, They can have 100 of their plots foiled by the police but they whackos only have to get lucky the once
I can't understand why people do it. The last bombings last July, my godmother and my sister in law were both in the center of London working in the same building when the bombs went off and they were evacuated. We couldn't get hold of them all day, it was horrid. :( One of the worst times ever. But it never ceases to amaze me, that despite the horrific events and the level of danger, the UK remains calm and all help each other in times like these, it was the only real positive thing that came out of the attacks last year, that it showed everyone coming together to help people they didn't know and stuff. I would never be able to justify their actions, and I wish the public did get hold of that guy and beat the hell out of him, or at least let him burn to death... sorry if i'm offending anyone, just it really gets to me. -__-
There is no way to justify any of these actions. Terrorists are selfish. They don't think about others, just about themselves. Lack of emotion, lack of empathy. Just a bunch of selfish assholes who think they can control the world with their pathetic way of thinking.
Well, they won't. Cause we all have to unite in this and stand together. Not just everybody in the UK right now but everyone who does not approve terrorisom. Every one in this world. We need to stand together in order for this shit to end. And it needs to get clear to those idiots that they can't get to us.
I live in Bedfordshire, UK which is a very multi cultural area with many different religions/nationalities living there. It's really quite scary to think that people from this area could potentially be involved in terrorism. The 7/7/05 bombers travelled from Luton train station to inflict an attack that could have killed four of my family and one friend. Luckily events intervened so that they were not caught up in it that day.
Now it's happening again but this time my family isn't involved. However someone else's will be and therefore there's always innocent victims. It sucks and the worst thing is that it makes people suspicious of all those of the Islamic faith even though we know that it isn't everyone, just a minority.