Tell Us Your Ghost Stories!


Have you ever had a close encounter with a ghost or experienced a true haunted house? Share your stories!

I've been on a couple of haunted places tours in Chicago and have experienced a few weird things myself over the years. In a couple of weeks I'm going on a ghost hunting trip, spending the night in an abandoned, haunted, insane asylum!

So get me in the mood with some scary tales!
Ok, this one isn't mine but my uncle's.
He's a vet who moved to England about 15 years ago. He started out in this small town, and was assigned an old mansion where he could live and work. The first few nights were fine but about the fourth night he started hearing noises, like dogs or cats running around, although he didn't have any pets of his own. A few nights later he could hear barking dogs, as if they were in the room right next to him. When he went to check it out, the noises went quiet. The next morning when he got up, all the chairs and tables were moved and a few doors were damaged, like they were bitten on. He called the police because he suspected burglary, but they found no signs of forced entry. He did however find out that the place used to be a dog impound where they locked up strayed dogs, and who knows what else they did to those poor animals.
He managed to stay there for 2 weeks, but moved as soon as he could because the barking dogs started to haunt him every night and every morning at least something was damaged.

This story really creeped me out because me uncle's a really rational man who doesn't believe in ghost stories. He still doesn't believe in them, but has no explanation for what happened back then.
Well I have one, and it really scared the crap outta me.
Here's some background info, just so people will get it. I live in a huge city and our murder rate's pretty high. A few years ago a woman (my friend told me her actual name, but I forgot it) was walking by an ice rink near a bingo hall when she got jumped and murdered.
So my friend and I were at the bingo hall pretty late. It's one of those things where you can go and play bingo really late at night. My friend's dad likes to go and we sometimes tag along. Anyways, we were getting bored (it was like one o'clock am) so we went outside to chill at the park by the ice rink and the indoor area where you can put your skates on. We were walking towards the place where you can put your skates on when something caught my eye. There were these really high up windows, like twenty feet up, that no one could reach, but someone was hanging from one of the windows.
I can actually still see her perfectly ... she had streaming, flame red hair and rolling, mad eyes. Her mouth was open in a silent scream and her skin was parchment white. A rope was hung around her neck and she was slowly swinging from side to side.
I stopped, and grabbed my friend by the arm and forced her to look. My friend saw the woman too and we both ran.
There's my one ghost story. Make of it what you will. It may sound kind of far fetched or feeble, but it has been a few years. I might've forgotten some of the details surrounding it, but I'd never forget how she looked, hanging there like that ...
He managed to stay there for 2 weeks, but moved as soon as he could because the barking dogs started to haunt him every night and every morning at least something was damaged.

I think barking ghost dogs would scare me more than people ghosts!

There's my one ghost story. Make of it what you will. It may sound kind of far fetched or feeble, but it has been a few years. I might've forgotten some of the details surrounding it, but I'd never forget how she looked, hanging there like that ...

Eeeeee...that's creepy!

Here's one from me....
I grew up in a house that was built in the late 1800's. My dad lived there before he got married, and he said that one night he woke up and there was a woman in the room...all white, long flowing hair, transparent. He said she came toward the bed and then just faded away. He said his hair was standing on end!

So many years later when I was a kid, we were having some work done on the house, and one of the workers asked me who slept in the room next to mine. I said it was my brother's room, and he said, "I would never sleep in there. That's where that lady hung herself." Yikes! I tried to research that but couldn't find anything.

However, one night I woke up and heard footsteps in the hall outside my room, shuffling up and down, up and down. And then I heard a woman whispering over and over again, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I think I either started crying or wet myself, I can't remember which! :lol:

Then my brother said that one night he heard shuffling steps in the hall outside his door too, and they stopped outside his door and the knob turned. He never heard any steps leaving, soooo....??