Take A Peek At 'Miami''s Cliffhanger Ending

CSI Files

When the season ends for CSI: Miami, the lives of several members of the team will hang in the balance. Major spoilers and embedded video after the jump! “All Fall Down” centers around a killer professor who is leaving puzzling clues for the team to find and assemble—but the team itself is the ultimate target, and [...]

The videos on ET Online always give too much away IMO. :shifty:

I do love everybody being kind of goofy since it was the last day, though. :lol:
WOW. After seeing that I really don't think anyone is going anywhere.......... JMO.

Everyone seems so light hearted. The only person I have not seen in any of these videos though... Emily. HMMM.
When I did the official details for the episode, I noticed something. I'll put it in a spoiler box just in case...

I noticed that a girl who played a CSI tech earlier in the season is back - if anybody dies, it'll probably be her. My first thought was that it would be Dave Benton or Travers if anybody - but neither one of them are listed in the press release, so they're safe (although that doesn't automatically mean they'll be around next season).

I guess we'll see.
If anyone is offed, it will probably be her then!!! Thanks for that! :)

AND Faylinn- This is OFF TOPIC- but I remember you from the NY forum! I used to be LovinMyGreggo a few years ago... You may or may not remember me (Which is OKAY, it's been a LONG while)... but I remember you! SO HI! ;)
Yeah, that seems more likely to me than anybody from the main cast getting offed. I suppose it is a definite possibility, especially with Eddie and Omar joining the show this season and Adam coming back full time (plus Christian, of course), but I dunno. I guess I'm not convinced that they'd kill anybody like this. I suppose we'll see in the fall! :eek:

This is OFF TOPIC- but I remember you from the NY forum! I used to be LovinMyGreggo a few years ago... You may or may not remember me (Which is OKAY, it's been a LONG while)... but I remember you! SO HI! ;)
I remember you! Well, I remember your name, at least. :lol:

(Oh geez, a few years ago? It's hard to believe I've been on this site for 4 1/2 years. :eek:)
I really don't think anyone would die like THAT. Like I said in the spoilers thread, they'd probably give a main character a send off, like they did Speed. Or Burn on NY. Or even Kate on NCIS.

BUT YES. I'm glad you remember my name! YAY! :lol: :D

BTW: Where did you get your icon!? I WANT SCREENCAPS from the episode! Yum! :eek:
If anybody dies and the last thing we saw was the hilarious slo-mo of them falling, I don't know whether I'll be amused or disappointed. :lol: I mean seriously...


LAWLS! :lol: :lol: :lol: (With all the lens flares, this may as well be Star Trek. :p)

BTW: Where did you get your icon!? I WANT SCREENCAPS from the episode! Yum! :eek:
Hehe, I made the screencap myself.
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If anybody dies and the last thing we saw was the hilarious slo-mo of them falling, I don't know whether I'll be amused or disappointed. :lol: I mean seriously...


LAWLS! :lol: :lol: :lol: (With all the lens flares, this may as well be Star Trek. :p)

BTW: Where did you get your icon!? I WANT SCREENCAPS from the episode! Yum! :eek:
Hehe, I made the screencap myself.

OH goodness. I laughed so hard at that! THANK YOU!!! that is so freaking annoying, you know, to think that would be the last of one of them. I highly doubt it. I'm just not feeling it. I don't know, I could be wrong, but it's just so... dramatic for an exit. To many people hurt for just ONE person to die. You know? Natalia looks like she's modeling and fell, Jesse looks like he's having a heart attack, Walter looks over the top drunk, and Ryan well... he looks like he's been on a drug high for the last ten years or so...! LOL :lol:

Ahhh! I see. WELL. I adore how Ryan is standing! :drool: LOL!
The slow-mo falling kind of made me giggle. I want to know how the heck Jonathan did the eyes rolling back in the head thing. That's extremely difficult. I think Walter's fall made me giggle the most cause he kind of fell sideways. Eva's probably had to do a lot of fainting scenes back when she was on AMC. :lol:

Why is Jesse the only one of the CSIs who isn't wearing a labcoat? That's weird.

And how come we never actually saw Calleigh falling? When Eric found her, she was already passed out, but we didn't actually see her fall. Why? That's a bit suspicious to me.
The slow-mo falling kind of made me giggle. I want to know how the heck Jonathan did the eyes rolling back in the head thing. That's extremely difficult. I think Walter's fall made me giggle the most cause he kind of fell sideways. Eva's probably had to do a lot of fainting scenes back when she was on AMC. :lol:

Why is Jesse the only one of the CSIs who isn't wearing a labcoat? That's weird.

And how come we never actually saw Calleigh falling? When Eric found her, she was already passed out, but we didn't actually see her fall. Why? That's a bit suspicious to me.
I agree with you on all points... esp about Calliegh..... thought the exact same thing!!!
:lol: Those caps made my day (thank you, Faylinn!) -- Jesse looks like has has massive gas issues, Natalia looks like she's flying, & Walter looks like a cartoon character who's just been knocked over the head with a mallet --all he needed was little stars circling his head.

and Ryan well... he looks like he's been on a drug high for the last ten years or so...! LOL :lol:
My thoughts exactly. :lol:

Who knew this oh-so dramatic cliffhanger would have us laughing our butts off. :p
Thanks for the caps Faylinn,they really are one the best laughs I've had today.
mjszud,Walter did look like a cartoon character when he fell, can picture the stars whirling around his head with the little music that goes with it. He and Ryan had the funniest falls,but I also think they looked more realistic,especially Ryan's eye roll which I think was great.

Love that icon Faylinn ,Yours too Blinded.
Thanks, Greatfan! I LOVE YOUR BANNER!!!! :D

LOL. You all have the most funny descriptions. I seriously doubt they can let them die, leaving us with THAT description of them...

AND one question... wouldn't who ever dies at least have to come back for ONE episode... to play dead? Yeah... so if it were contract disputes, they may or may not be able to get them back... so I doubt that's it too.
