T-Shirts from CSI: NY episode 'Hung Out To Dry'....


CSI Level One
....on the website edoclaundry.com are now back up for sale. They have:

CSI: Hydra
CSI: Hydra (blood)
CSI: Argus
CSI: Hades
CSI: Hypnos

Only available in mens' sizes. (Like they said in the show last night, they're $29 each, even in real life.) But there are more besides these, and they even have codes made into the designs. My mom is thinking about buying one, and I'm thinking about buying the Hydra one. :D And they have caps, if you're a cap person.

To check out their CSI: NY line of clothing, go to www.edoclaundry.com and click on 'There's more'. They have a description of each T-shirt that was featured on the show.

And yet.... I'd kill for a shirt like that. :lol: