SyFy Alice

Or just Alice. I don't know. But I know that this miniseries is AWESOME! Too bad it was only two parts.

I hope there's more people than me here who have seen it? :)

I'm sorry if there already is a thread for this show. I couldn't find it.
Ahhhh! I'm so glad you started a thread for this. I was gonna, but didn't know if there would be enough interest. I LOVED this movie (especially the ending). I just adore Andrew Lee Potts (Hatter) and have ever since I first saw an episode of Primeval.

I wish I could find screencaps of this movie (especially the last part).
I've got the ones from imdb bookmarked, but unfortunately they don't have the ones I really want. :lol: I'm mostly looking for caps of the very last scene of part two (the hug/kiss). :)