Superman Returns!

A few days ago I read somewhere that the new Superman movie was supposed to be really good. I'm looking forward to seeing it. I grew up watching Christopher Reeves as Superman, so to me he'll always be my favourite Superman. :D
Several critics have seen it and say that is good. But that is a bad sign, because I never agree with critics. Brandon Routh looks a lot like Christopher Reeve. I hope they selected him also for his acting ability.
It looks good too, but I currently have doubts about Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth from what I've seen in the trailers. He looks a bit stiff, and she just looks too young.

But then again, I guess we'll wait and see! Hopefully Bryan Singer can come up with something awesome :)
My fiance is Superman crazy... just like he was Batman crazy..... Anyways, we have already made it a date to go see Superman Returns when it came out (after I caught up and watched Superman 1 and 2 because, apparently, that's where the bulk of the backstory comes from). I'm actually excited after the clips I watched, and I think that Mr. Routh will make the character his own. At least, I'm really hoping he will. As a spoiler chic I know most the twists and turns already, and I'm still really looking forward to this!
I'm totally geeked to see this movie. I've enjoyed the other Superman movies plus the tv shows. Getting my ticket in advance so I won't miss it!
*smiles as I look down at my Superman T-shirt* I'm excited to see it too. Hopefully I won't be stuck watching it whenever it some out on DVD.

*smiles again and does a happy dance in my SUPERMAN T-SHIRT!* hehe
SaraSullivan said:
*smiles as I look down at my Superman T-shirt*
*Looks down at the real thing*
Ooops, I wasn't supposed to say that here. Well, back to my desk at the Daily Planet.
on the discovery channel last night they had a show called 'the science of superman' (and yes, watching it inspired my new superman look :lol:) and they had scenes from the new movie that havent been in the trailers. they looked really good. for me, christopher reeve is superman, but i will probably give this movie a chance. with the new things they can do with special effects it should be entertaining. i agree thie new guy looks a lot like reeve, but he seems a little off to me from what ive seen in the trailers. but maybe thats the direction they want to go with this movie. ill just have to watch and see. but im not so sure about kate bosworth as lois.
I'm looking forward to seeing this too.
A friend said he didn't want to go because on the trailer he said everything looked "plastic"... i LOVED that look, reminds me of the comics.
The Science Behind Superman! I saw a preview for that. Didn't they say it would hurt 1,000 times more being hit by Superman trying to catch you than just hitting the ground. haha
*Jumps around in excitement* I just got my ticket for Superman Returns! I'm going to the earliest special showing at 10 pm tomorrow night. Woohoo!
I saw Superman! It was really good. But in a way there was something missing. Not sure what though.