Stuck In An Elevator(SMACK)


Dead on Arrival
I know not a good title, but it's funny/romantic. <--a little. But anyway, I know I have another story on here also, but I can't help it. :) So enjoy.

Disclaimer:I do NOT own CSI:NY or anything. Just using their characters. hehe.

Summery: What happen's when the CSI's get stuck in an elevator? Craziness. (i dont care if i misspelled that, too excited about this story.) :D

Stuck in an elevator Part 1:

Mac looked over at the clock in his office. It said 11:30. He rubbed his tired eyes. "Hey Mac, ready to head over to the bar?" Stella asked as she walked into his office. They were going to the bar to have a drink. (the team). "Yep. Boy im so tired." they started walking to the elevator.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team were already by the elevator waiting..

"...And that's how I ended up naked in my backyard in the middle of December" Sid concluded his story. Danny and Flack stared at the floor. Lindsey's face was red as she looked for Mac and Stella. Hawkes was pretending to text to try to pretend he didn't hear that, and poor Adam looked like he was gonna burst into tears.

"MAC! STELLA! THANK GOD!" Lindsey shouted as the two approached. "Well were happy to see you to Lindsey.." They all got in the elevator, and Mac pushed the 'lobby' button. Just then all the lights started to flash. "That can't be good" Adam said. "I'm sure it's nothing" Hawkes said. Then the elevator came to a complete stop. "Yeah, it's nothing" Adam said staring at Hawkes who looked at the floor. The emergency button didn't work, and the emergency phone was dead. The team had no signal on their phone's either.

"I'm bored" Flack said after 2 minutes. "I hate to complain, but someone has their foot DIGGING INTO MY BACK!!" Said Stella. "Whoops. Sorry Stella" Adam said blushing. "Whos touching my a$$!" Hawkes said. "Oops, sorry doc, thought that was Lindsey" Danny said with his face red staring at the floor. 'Bang' "what the hell?" Stella asked as they heard a bang. "Sorry, I was leaning against the wall, and I uh, slid down and fell" Flack said. They all stared at him. "Everyone calm down. if we sit in a circle, we will have enough space for all" Mac said.

So the team all sat down in a circle. "Wanna play truth or dare" Lindsey asked. "What? Come on Montanna. Seriously?" danny said. "Yeah Linds"
"I think it could be fun" Stella said, "Ok, Adam. truth or dare?" Lindsey started. "Uhh,... truth?" "Is it true, that you had $ex with one of the team?" "woah Lindsey not that personal."Adam said looking at the floor. Stella's face went a tiny bit red. Mac glanced over at her, and wondered. Stella lowered her head to the floor. Nooone noticed her. "Fine, ill get back to you later...Mac! truth or dare?" "Do we have to play this?" Mac asked.

"Wait! before i tell you guys a FUNNY story about Flack, I have a dare for Sid" Danny said. "Fire away danny" "I dare you to dance to the 'chicken dance'.. in your underwear" The team groaned. Soon Sid was only in his underwear dancing. "MY EYES!!" Flack said. "Ahh!" Stella said. The team tried to look away. They were actually holding each other. Lindsey was holding Danny, Flack was holding Hawkes.(awkwarddd) And Mac was holding Stella. Poor Adam held noone. Stella buried her face in Mac's arms. Finally Sid stopped, and got dressed.

"Okay, here's the story on donny boy: Before he dated Jess, he was dating someone else, and they thought it would be funny if..." "Danny dont!" Flack said "If they wore each other's underwear to work." The team cracked up. "You finish Flack" Flack groaned. "That day, Jess dropped a pen, and being a gentleman, I bended over to pick it up, and she saw the underwear." Flack said as his face turned red. The team cracked up.

"Okay Mac, truth or dare?" Lindsey asked once they clamed down. "dare.." Lindsey looked around. Her eyes met Stella's. Soon the team looked at her."Oh no..Lindsey.. DONT YOU DARE!!" "I DARE MAC TO KISS STELLA ON THE LIPS!" Lindsey said. Mac and Stella turned red. They looked at each other. They stood up. Mac leaned closer, and so did Stella, then their lips met. "OOOOO"

"BONASERA! TAYLOR! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING!" They stopped to find that Chief Sinclair was at the elevator door. He had gotten the elevator open. "Uh oh" The team all said at the same time.

Will Mac&Stella get fired?What else will happen? To Be Continued..

(romance will be later on in the story.. not to late, in the next part probley. :D)
Just if your wondering still, i haven't forgotten my other smack story in progress. And WHY AM I 'Dead on Arrival'? NOT FAIR. *pouts*
Hi just wanted to say how much i loved your story , also i had a image of Sid dancing in his underwear come into my head :)
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Glad you all liked it. :D Okay, here is the next part.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Chief sinclair yelled as he,Mac,and Stella were in Sinclair's office. " "first it was Angell and Flack,then Danny and Lindsey, NOW YOU TWO!?"

Sinclair looked at Mac angirly then at Stella.
""Look you two, I.. am gonna f.."
"DON'T YOU DARE!" The team shouted as they busted in. "What the hell!" Sinclair was mad pissed now. "It was a dare! So don't go fire them, just because your to damn stubborn to let them explain!" Lindsey stated. "Wow Montanna..." Danny said.
"Is that true?"
Mac and Stella nodded.
"Well your lucky it was only a dare.but if you two do it again, ANY OF YOU do that, I will fire you if it's not a dare."

"Now hold up."Mac said. "You can't fire people for expressing their love." Mac stated. "How would you like if you loved someone you work with, and your boss fired you both?" Sinclair stared at Mac, so did the team.

Then Mac got closer to Stella, and kissed her again. This time it was real. The team and sinclair could sense it. "O_O" was the only thing the team did. Finally they stopped. Sinclair was mad.

"Why you little.... :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: " The team stared at him.

"If you fire them, then you fire me" Flack said.
"And me" Hawkes said.
"And me" sid stated
"And me" Adam said
"And me" Lindsey and Danny said.

Sinclaired sighed. He couldn't fire his best workers. "fine, i won't fire anyone. But don't let your love life into work." sinclair said before leaving.
The team cheered. They walked to have that drink. They used the staires this time, but:

"WOAH!" Hawkes said as he tripped over his untied shoe, causing the team to fall down the steps one by one. "Ooof" "Ouch" "Whos on my back?" Danny said. "Sorry Danny" Stella said. They all helped each other up. Then they slowly continued walking. Then they all slipped on water. "
AHH" They all slidded into the elevator. They stood up.

'CRACK!' "What in the world.." Mac said. "Sorry, my back isn't like it used to be" Danny said. "Oh no! Were stuck...AGAIN!" The team groaned...
"Wanna tell stories and stuff?" Lindsey suggested. the team agreed.

The team tried to get comfortable, but it wasn't easy. They kept falling. "WOAH! WHO TOUCHED MY A$$!" Stella shouted as she looked angrily at her team. "Sorry.." Flack said. Mac glared at him. Finally they got comfortable.

"So they told stories of their favorite moments. Then the elevator finally opened, and they FINALLY got their drink.

The next day Mac and Stella both took off from work. They were both 'sick'. Or so they said. Mac and Stella had their very first date that night. And then they uh,um, you know. *giggles*

Since the limit on this is about 'T' or so, Im gonna work on posting the rest on :)