SMACked: Lost within your touch...A One Shot


Head of the Graveyard Shift
IT was a rainy NY night, as Stella looked out her window, waiting for her Mac to come home. She knew he was going to be late again. As she caressed her swollen tummy, she thought back to their first date. She was often amazed it had only taken four years for the two of them to get it together.

As her tummy rippled with each touch, she knew this baby was going to be a boy. A boy as handsome, smart, passionate and caring as her Mac. Walking away from the window, she laid down on the bed and put her headphones on the baby. While the soft sweet music played, the baby continuied to ripple until he fell into sleep.

Mac was beat. It had been another long night of DB's and hell. As he opened the door he could smell her perfume throughout the house. Stripping out of his clothes, he walked into the bedroom and found his wife sound asleep with her headphones on their son.

Turning off the music, he removed them onto the table and laid himself beside her with his head on the baby's tummy.

"Hey there little one. Daddy's home nice and safe, did you miss me?"


"Whoa...that's a good one son. Daddy can hardly wait to meet you, I love you, daddy loves you so much."

Placing his hand on his sons tummy, he felt the ripple course through.


"Hello love, I'm home. Did you miss me?"

"More then you will every know. I need you Mac, I need you to touch me, love me, hold me."

Turning to face his wife, he traced the outline of her face, wrapping his fingers in her hair.

"I missed you to love. Your scent, your voice, your sweet caress."

Moving his lips towards her, he stopped and traced the outline of his tongue across them, causing her to sigh softly, deeply in his touch.

"Kiss me Mac. Please kiss me."

Moving in closer, with his fingers gripping deeper, he passionately crushed his lips to hers, leaving her swirling in a sea of colors.

As the energy surged around the room, producing an aura of sweet music from the Angels, Mac carefully turned her towards him, and placed her leg over his. Caressing her deeper, she began to cry softly.

"Why do you cry love? Am I hurting you, or is the passion too much."

"It's too much Mac. Every touch feels like an Angels, always you leave me torn and seperated from my soul. Always you take my body into yours, and it's no longer mine."

"It's the same for me too Stella. I feel my soul melt to. With each kiss, or touch of your sensitve skin."

"Not wanting the passion to be rushed, Mac kept his caresses soft, sensual, sweet with love."

"Auuuuuuuuuuugh.....oh Mac, I think my water just broke."

"Are you serious love?"

"Very, I can feel the baby."

Picking up the phone, Mac called 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"My wife is having her baby, her water just broke."

"Okay, we'll send the EMT's, just relax, these things take hours."

As Mac looked between his wife's legs, he could see the baby's head.

"Ummm...I don't think this one wants to wait. I can see the crown, what do I do?"

"Okay, get some clean blankets, and warm towels."

"Warm towels, do I look like I'm at a spa?"

"Just toss a couple into the dryer, hurry."

While Mac passed the phone to the Stella, she asked.

"Excuse me maam, can you hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you, I need to push, please, he's coming."

When Mac got back he took over, and placed a blamket under his wife.

"Okay Det.Taylor, I need you to carefully open your wife's legs and place your hands around the crown. Then tell your wife to push."

"Stella...push love, that's it, push."

As she pushed, the baby came out blue.

"He's not breathing, he's blue."

"Okay Det.Taylor, lay him down, and suck the fluid from his mouth and nose."

As Mac sucked out all the fluid from the sac, the baby still didn't cry.

"It didn't work, help me please, he's going to die."

"Okay, take two fingers and place them just above his little chest, give two puffs into his mouth and nose, then two more chest compressions, no more then a half in deep."

As Mac continued to do this he was crying, he was so scared of losing his son. It was at that moment he felt Stella touch his hair.

"It's okay Mac, you're doing great. Come on Mac, get him to breathe."

With one final breath, the baby began screaming.

"Okay Det.Taylor, cover him with the warm towel, and lay him across your wife's chest."

As he did this, he heard the EMT's pull up. Getting up he rushed to the door, and let them in.

After they assesed the baby, they loaded him into the little incubator bed, and Stella onto the stretcher.

As they were on their way, Mac lead the way with the sirens blaring loudly. Pulling into the Emergency, they took Stella and the baby upstairs.

"Excuse me Det.Taylor, we need you to fill out these forms."

Once he had finshed, he rushed upstairs to the room, where he found his wife sound asleep.

"Stel...Stel, you okay love?"

Opening her eyes she smiled.

"I'm better then okay. You saved our son Mac, you kept his alive. I can hardly wait till he is old enough to understand. "

"Understand what love?"

"How he was almost lost within your touch, how you saved him with a fathers love."

Smiling at his wife, Mac walked over and sat beside her.

"Excuse me Mr & Mrs.Taylor. I'd like to introduce you to your son. He came in weighing 8lbs, 2oz, and has the deepest greenish/brown eyes I've ever seen."

Placing the child in Stella's arms, she asked....

"Do you have a name for your new child?"

"We do. His name is Gary Sinise Taylor."

"That's a beautiful name, I'll leave you to your family."

After the nurse left. Mac crawled in beside his wife and whispered....

"Welcome to the family Gary Sinise Taylor."

"Mac....are you happy we finally married?"

"I am Stella, I always knew it was you , who would make me "Lost within your touch."

The End.
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OMG, such an adorable one shot Linda. Lovely, I enjoyed that very very much. You should certainly do more one shots. ;)

"Warm towels, do I look like I'm at a spa?"
Girl I tell ya, I can imagine Mac putting on his pouty face with that. I nearly peed myself:guffaw:
Aww... cute story! Loved the part about the towels... hilarious! I could just see him saying that... :lol:

Good job. :)
Thank you all for your FB,:) I'm really glad you enjoyed this one shot. I'm working on a couple more.

So be ready;)
Wow.. Linda, You really makes me want to climb a tree. I'm glad that Mac in this story is a responsible person. How i hope to see this in real. :lol: Aw..i'm sure Stella will love his touch and his love on her. :guffaw: