Slash Poetry # 1


Lab Technician
This thread is for all your slash poems, male or female :). Or anything else that does not fit into the category of short story/fanfic.

Here we go, this was intended to be Sara's point of view, but basically it could be anyone's ;):

We Were Friends Once

There you were
In front of me
In my dreams
Where you will be

It doesn’t feel like the two or three years it’s been since we last spoke but rather like two weeks ago. Maybe three.

The wounds haven’t healed yet, I guess. I thought they did but that was before the dreams.

The dreams are the worst, they make me uncomfortable even though we’re always friends in them. They slightly vary, sometimes I apologize, sometimes you do, there are even dreams where we both say sorry. I like to think those are the dreams that one day might come true.

I have other dreams, though. Dreams in which nothing has ever come in between us, nothing has ever happened to make us end up where we have. I like those dreams the most, they remind me of how I’d always wanted things to be. All I ever wanted was to be your friend.

But somehow you never let me in. Not completely, I guess. We were close, we shared a lot, but that wasn’t enough, at least not for me. There was a distance between us, a bridge we never crossed, invisible to others, but very palpable to me. I believe it was that last step we never took that let us fall apart eventually.

I thought the wounds were healed when I stopped thinking about you during the day. But wounds never do heal easily, especially the ones I carried. I could hide them, camouflage the bruises you had left on me. I was convinced they would heal underneath the glossy cover-up, hidden from the world.

I was wrong.

The dreams made me realize that whatever fancy makeup one used, it would have to come off eventually. You can’t wear it forever and once the remainders are scrubbed off, all the flaws you hid will be stronger, worse than ever before.

So there are two choices left. You can nourish the bruises, treat them, pamper them and hope they will vanish over time.

Or you can learn to live with the scars.

One day you might accept them as part of yourself, a reminder of where you’ve been and where you never want to go again. They will remind you to take care of yourself, now that you know you bruise easily.

I pray the dreams will stop eventually, I have run out of cover-up. I want to face the world, you, everybody that I left behind without these hideous marks all over my body. I could live with the scars, I’m sure. But for the wounds to turn into scars the dreams would have to subside. Each dream pulls at my skin, what little has healed is torn open again, left even more vulnerable.

Then you are here. There are no words spoken, I just pull you into my arms and make you stay. We both hold each other, finding comfort in the warm embrace. My skin almost immediately reacts to the softness of your touch, your fingers on my arm, my face. The bruises are all gone, vanished into thin air. It was you they needed, nobody else but you could heal them.

I wish I had known this before it was too late. I wake up, drenched in sweat, the covers rumpled around me. I gambled but the stakes were too high. You have left, never to return. I know that I have lost my only chance to heal. Closure will never be mine.

When I sleep alone at night
I see you in my dreams
I wonder what you're thinking of
and what my heartache means

I wish that you would hold me
I wish that you were here
You might not even miss me
and that is what I fear

What we shared was brief and sweet
but was there more to it?
I'm afraid I fell for you
and I can not forget

You are always on my mind
Your beauty so devine
This should have worked out differently
but I can't turn back time

So here I lie in bed alone
with memories of your smile
If only we had had more time
If only for a while
Sara's POV



Her voice- liquid silk soothing her pain
Her scent- unobtrusively inebriating her senses
Her mouth- gently whispering terms of endearment
Her body- strength and softness unified as one
Her mind- providing a safe heaven amidst her confusion
Her eyes- oceans of blue forever catching her fall
I think it's an excellent idea!!!
Your poems are really brilliant, keep going girls!!
We don't have enough slash poems IMO... ;)

ok now for some Miami goodness!! here's three hardy boys ones that i posted in the other poetry thread. but i think it fit better here. :D


Still so beautiful, Rainy


She turns her back towards me. I see the scratches I left with my fingernails

I want to know what she is thinking but I don’t dare asking for fear she thinks we’re wrong

Of course she does but as long as she’s not saying it I can pretend

I want her to love me

But I've hurt her too much for her to ever trust or love me

Maybe this is her way to show me how I’ve made her feel, rejecting her

Still, she’s here, screams my name in ecstasy

Before she turns away from me

Leaving me to wonder
“I love you” the words are out before you even have the chance to contemplate them.

They're untrue, you are well aware of that. You can't help wondering if maybe she is, too.

But the depth of her gaze tells you she isn't. She believes. You wish you could too. That you didn't have to lie.

That you didn't need to trick her into giving you what nobody else ever has. Treat you like a person. Worship you. Adore you -not just your body.

Holding her sleeping form in the aftermath you whisper. “I'm sorry.”

And, again, you lie to her.
I adore you. And those poems. YOu knew that already, but still. They are heartwrenchingly beautiful.

edited to add: Just wrote another poem, though originally not intened as fanfiction but for my own girlfriend, I thought it fit Sara/Sofia or Sara/Catherine. So here we go, I post this as a preview, and since the text on the image might not be as easily readable I put the text here, as well:

(wall was originally made by MiaCharlize, but she gave me permission to swap the Sara pics with Sofia ones)

But I need her.

I need her at night, I need her in my bed, I need her warmth, her skin, her body close to mine.

I need her hair in my face, the sweetened scent of her shampoo reminding me that this is home, that I am in a safe place.

Her drowsy voice laden with sleep, whispering terms of endearment meant only for me to hear.

Her eyes, oceans of blue washing away my fears, filling me up and making me whole again.

Instead there is nothing. Nothing but cold air enveloping fragile skin, turning hot breath into vapor, irreversibly dissipating into darkness.

I pray for light but dawn is miles away.
This is just something short that came out while I was working...well, pretending to work, but anyway ;) .


"Sofia," came the quiet whisper from a wide eyed Sara as the blonde detective leaned in closer."I don't think I can do this…”

"I can." Sofia smugly replied before touching her lips to Sara's slightly parted ones.

The brunette swallowed, closing her mouth slowly as she applied pressure to the other woman's lucious lips. Cautiously she opened them again when she felt a soft warm tongue play against them.

With her eyes closed and her heart racing she simply stood there, unable to move, rendered entirely speechless.

The moment felt surreal to her, she could not wrap her mind around the fact that she was being kissed by Sofia Curtis. It was unthinkable for this to happen. It wasn't right. And yet, it felt so wonderful that it made her head spin.

She was still nowhere near comprehending her current situation by the time she felt Sofia retreat. Clear blue eyes stared at her with such an intensity that she thought she would drown in them. Like a giant tidal wave they washed over her, drew her in and left her paralyzed.

Long moments passed before she realized a change occurring
in the scrutinizing gaze. Somewhere in between want and claim Sofia's eyes had started to express concern. They were asking her questions, but Sara was unable to reply. She did not know what she could possibly say. She was shocked, mesmerized, utterly in awe and most of all, she was confused.

Never before had a kiss taken her breath away like that. Never before had anyone's eyes left her this out of control. Never before had she felt anything remotely close to what she was feeling for Sofia right now- Need.
I just recently rediscovered this old storyish thingie I wrote some time ago, thought it fits perfectly into this thread.

These gatherings, a frequent occurrence as of late

To rebuilt the team spirit

In a crowded bar

Where she is in the centre of everyone’s attention

And you hate it

You want her all to yourself

It’s selfish you know, it’s pretty stupid, too

She’s not a toy or a pet that you own

You have no right to feel this way

Yet, when you see them look at her, want in their eyes

Madness boils inside of you

She’s yours

Your dream, your fantasy

They flirt, touch, talk

While your body shakes with fury

You curse yourself for being irrational

As you try to bear in mind

You have no right to feel this way

Across the room your eyes meet

Gleaming dangerously

She moves over to your side

And under their watchful eyes

She claims your lips

Wordlessly announcing: You’re hers
I love it :D

You manage to capture the mood perfectly :). I'm guessing this is Sara's POV, and the "center of attention" is Catherine?
New poem, no names but it feels very Sara to me.

Comments appreciated.

When I kick away my sheets
In the middle of the night
You're the one to cover me
To hold me safe and tight

When I lose my sanity
You're there to ease my soul
The one to soothe my troubled mind
The one who makes me whole

When I'm afraid and feel forlorn
You're waiting by the phone
To whisper loving words to me
And tell me that I'm not alone
ahah i love love love it!!! i am going to write something right now just so i can post it :D

i know you're fragil
i know you've been broken
but i can't help but want you
need you
i can't help that i want you to be mine
though you belong to no one
i wonder if you ever see it
in my eyes
the longing i try to cover
i have to cover
i can't hurt you
so i must hurt myself
i can't be with you
so i must be alone
i know you'd never want me
and if you did
you'd never say
at least not aloud

catherine's POV about sara