Sinise Shows His Appreciation

CSI Files

It's important to give back.<p>When <font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font> (Mac Taylor) is not filming <I>CSI: New York</I>, the actor tries to do his part to support American service members. A special airing on the Fox News network this weekend entitled <I>On the Road in Iraq With Our Troops and Gary Sinise</I> follows the actor during a seven day trip he took to the region this summer. Sinise was accompanied by his friend, filmmaker <font color=yellow>Jonathan Flora</font>, who came back with 26 hours of footage showing Sinise interacting with the troops, shaking hands and signing autographs.<p>"I admire these people, and I respect them," Sinise told the <A class="link" HREF="">Hollywood Reporter</a>. "I did not serve in the military myself, and I want to do what I can to support them." The actor has travelled to the war zone numerous times to visit the troops. "Whether you support the war, the mission is to make sure our troops and service members who don't ask all that much get some sort of appreciation and gratitude," Sinise explained.<p>One way the actor shows his own appreciation is by giving performances for the troops with the Lt Dan Band. The group is named after Sinise's role as a disabled Army veteran in <I>Forrest Gump</I>. "Even though I am on a top franchise on <I>CSI New York</I>, there's no getting around that <I>Forrest Gump</I> was a movie that was and still is embraced by millions and millions of people," Sinise explained to <A class="link" HREF="">Fox News</a>. "Within the military community, they like that character so much, that wherever I started to go for the USO and to other military events, people would call me 'Lt. Dan.'"<p>"Iraq is off the front page now and has been replaced with other things, so unless you are personally attached or involved with someone who has sacrificed, who is serving in the military, then you're probably not too aware," the actor told the <A class="link" HREF="">Los Angeles Times</a>. "I have great respect for these volunteers who go out and defend this country. Showing some of what I see might help people understand them. Hopefully they'll come away with a new perspective of who the folks are in the military." The special, <I>On the Road in Iraq With Our Troops And Gary Sinise</I>, airs Saturday, January 9 on Fox News at 9:00pm ET/6:00pm PT.<p>The original articles are from the <A class="link" HREF="">Hollywood Reporter</a>, the <A class="link" HREF="">Los Angeles Times</a> and <A class="link" HREF=",2933,478044,00.html">Fox News</a>.<center></center>
Dear Mr. Sinise,

Firstly, thank you so much for visiting our troops in Iraq. I believe you are sincere in what you are doing for our boys. However, I have a suggestion or two about your special that aired last night. (If you don't mind).

After watching the special, I believe you may take a few hits. Honestly, it appeared like the show was more about "Gary Sinise" than it was about the troops. And I'm not sure you meant for the film to come off that way. There are those who will argue that bringing a documentary crew with you to show footage of your good deeds is self-promoting. Still there will be others who say that showing this footage on a 1 hour Fox special goes even further toward opportunisim. I don't believe this to be true. I believe you're efforts are from your heart. However, I think that opting to host the show yourself may have been a poor choice. It places you in a position to have to bolster yourself. Perhaps another person would have been able to do that without the self-gradifying consequence.

Also, having yourself (or other people) spending so much time talking about your own personal achievements may not have been such a good idea, ie, Steppenwolf, Forrest Gump, your gifted muscianship, your ancestors, your brother, your fine work on the memorial, etc...

My recommendation would be that next time you entertain our troops (and I certainly hope you continue this fine work) that you try and refrain from drawing so much attention to yourself. Remember, you've been decorated by our president. You've actually sort of become an icon for conservatives. There are those that will try and use this type of thing to discredit the conservative position.

Hope you don't mind my candor. Good luck and God bless.
CSI Files said:
"I admire these people, and I respect them," Sinise told the <A class="link" HREF="">Hollywood Reporter</a>. "I did not serve in the military myself, and I want to do what I can to support them.

I read that part about Gary NOT serving in the military and went :wtf: :confused: My dad was CONVINCED that Gary served in the army. I guess Gary set the record straight.

On that note, I admire him even more. For someone to have NOT served his country to be that dedicated really is admirable.

Now I have to go watch his Special that I recorded yesterday. :D