Sim City 4


This game is driving me crazy, more crazy than I already am.

With ever city I create, it always ends up loosing money so I reduce funding and people move out of the city, I increase funding a little and decrease taxes a little and people leave the city, or I decrease taxes and increase spending (spend money to make money) and people leave the city.

Do any of you plan and if so do you have any advice as to how to make it so my cities suceed.
Build a huge stadium for a major league baseball or football team.

Maybe they are leaving the city because of bad crime rate or poor education. Increase taxes to fund emergency services and public education. (Yes, increase taxes. Why be different than any other city.)

Name a CSI television series after it, even though they still film in Los Angeles.
I always build some very heavy industrial nonsense into a corner (half the polution goes away then supposedly to other areas) en then increase their taxes to 20. Heavy industrial never leaves! Well that is my experience. The only thing is that if you make new Dark yellow squares that they won;t build new companies. Make sure you have the whole area covered with firehouses though so you won;t lose any industrial build.

When money really flows bad.. build a casino, maximum sec. prison, rocket launcher, military base as well. Just put it in the corner among the heavy industrial. but don't forget to have a police station near the prison. A small one is good with not to much funding!
The game is made by EA, so uninstall the game and throw it out, as the quality of their games hasn't been good since the Genesis.
Exit 8A said:
The game is made by EA, so uninstall the game and throw it out, as the quality of their games hasn't been good since the Genesis.

if you don't have anything interesting to say about the question asked in the initial post just leave or something! Respect people who play the game!

And uh EA games is one of the biggest in the game industry :')
BlueCurl, Exit8A was just expressing an opinion. Calihan does not have to follow his instructions. If Calihan enjoys the game, I doubt if the game would be thrown away considering the money spent on it. But being one of the biggest does not mean quality in all products. I could go into rants about Microsoft or Ford, but that would take this off topic. When I worked at a Babbages Store about ten years ago, some people liked EA and some didn't. I would let the customers decide whether or not to purchase the products. The only thing this board usually recommends is that you back up such statements with a little more content explaining such feelings.
I have to say... what Dynamo said. If someone doesn't like the game quality and says it, it's a comment towards the people who play the game? No.

It's an opinion. Just like I always bash Microsoft :p

DaWacko said:
I have to say... what Dynamo said. If someone doesn't like the game quality and says it, it's a comment towards the people who play the game? No.

It's an opinion. Just like I always bash Microsoft :p


Alrighty point taken... I shall never do it again ;)

btw.. ever been working on unix or MacOS! I'm starting to like MS more and more :p