Share Your FanFiction!

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Have you ever written a fanfic? Have you ever posted it on Have you posted a story but it got pushed into the second page and you didn't get as much reviews you wanted/ or that alot of people to see it to read it?

Well I think this is a solution!

Post the links for your fanfiction here. Tell us a summary and who it'd appeal to most. Those who don't write them can get to enjoy a good story.

It might have:
~ your fav characters
~ your fav relationships, eg, CaRWash
~ spoilers for an episode that has passed
~ spoilers for an episdoe that hasn't passed yet
~ a storyline so different from what usually happens

So come on and share your stories, read others and share your views on the ones you like. And you can include spoilers, if you want to.

Here's my story Breakdown:
~EC, spoilers for an upcoming epi (714)
This is a great idea for a thread. :) However, all topics related specifically to Fan Fiction must take place in the Fan Fiction Forum. It's the same for Fan Art or 'shipper things that have their own forums. (I believe there's even a thread in FF for this very thing)

So, moving to Fan Fiction.
There is a fanfic showcase thread here. If you want, C.H.E.A.R, you can move your fic link there.

I'm gonna go ahead and lock this thread since we don't need two fic showcase threads here. :)
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