Sex & The City: Cosmos, Labels & Loves


Head of the Graveyard Shift
I've never been obsessed with many shows, but SATC is definitely one of my favourites, & definitely one of my gulity pleasures. I definitely think this show has paved a new way for cosmo loving women with their own man troubles. It definitely made an impact on my life. I didn't really get into the show when it was on but once the reruns began, I was hooked.

Anyway, we can dicuss our favourite moments, our favourite (censored) lines, & of course, our favourite characters.

I use to like Charlotte, but now it's all about Samantha. I absolutely love her attitude & I think that out of all the characters, she has the best lines & does the best things. I mean, who else but her would throw "I'm not having a baby" shower :guffaw:. She's brilliant. I wish I knew a Samantha, because she's a lot of fun.

So SATC fans of the boards, unite :D!
i didnt start watching sex and the city until after it was over, when the reruns started airing on city tv. the first episode i saw was when i was 18, which i think is an appropriate age to start watching the show. not just because of the swearing and the sex, but the subject matter. even at 18 the relationships on the show were not relatable to those in my life just, yet but i could appreciate them at that age.

the aspect i enjoyed the most of the show was the camaraderie between the four women. people make a bug deal about the sex in the show, and say it has turned women into whores etc, but if you actually watch the show you know that part is secondary to the relationships (whether it be friendship or romantic relationship). and the clothes, oh the clothes! even when the outfits were a mess they were a hot mess, and dont even get me started on the shoes! you drool over the fashion as much as the men when watching this show.

my favourite pair on the show is charlotte and harry. he is so sweet and perfect, im glad that charlotte got her happily ever after. loved aiden, not for carrie but in his own right. he wasnt the guy for her, watching the show you always knew big would come back into her life at some point. it was just a matter of when.

i agree with you on samantha, i think she is my favourite too. she was the most fun character and often had the most interesting things happen to her.

ive seen all the episodes (i think), but not in any kind of order. just whatever was on tv that night. when the movie came out all the seasons were on sale so i bought them all. im now on season 5.
Oh I love SATC, only just started watching a few months ago, so I haven't seen many eps, yet, but I have seen the movie. I love the interactions between the women and how they share everything from fashion to stories about the men in their lives.

Like you, I also love Samantha, she brings so much comdey to the show, I also love how she always speaks her mind, and tells people what she really thinks. However I had to admit that my fave, it's a toss up between her and Carrie, and I love Charlotte aswell, I love how she finally got her happy ever after. But my fave couple have to be Carrie and Big, they are made for eachother. I love how they always end up together in the end, it's just because they are so well suited to one and other. <3