season 5 tv uk and dvd release date us



Hey all, i'm new here, and just have a few questions,more than likly these have been asked before and many of you will go not again, but i have used the seach function and it would not work so there we go! Right firstly intorduction i live in the UK in a nice town called Beverley and i love CSI all three, i have just finished CSI maimi season 4 and what a season started a little off for me but got to be one of the best in the end, now for those here in the UK you will know that season 4 is still been shown on Five, but i brought the DVD box set from america and brought a cheap multi region DVD player, so heres my two questions one will Five start showning season 5 straight away, like four kind of did with Lost, and secondly when is season 5 either part one or all of it been released on DVD in the US. right off to start CSI season 6 now on my new multi region dvd palyer LOL. so no doubt i'll have same questions about season 7 soon, love those region one releases.
Welcome to TalkCSI mcstewmoo. :)

Since your question pertains to the release of DVDs, I'm going to move this thread into Merchandise for you, and hopefully you'll get some more help with your question there. :)
Welcome mcstewmoo. :)

I shall try to answer your questions, though I'm afraid I'm guessing at this stage, as it is too early to confirm either of them. Firstly, the new seasons of CSI:Miami have started in August in recent years on Channel Five in the UK. They don't usually show the new season until after they have aired the new seasons of CSI and CSI:NY (they start in February). So my guess for Season 5 of Miami would be August 2007 in the UK.

Secondly, the US R1 dvd release of Season 5 of Miami would probably be in Autumn 2007. Season 5 will finish airing on US tv in May 2007.

Hope this info helps, but as I mentioned, I am just going by what has happened in the past. :)