'Say Uncle' Extended Promo Available

CSI Files

An extended promo for this week's episode of <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>, <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season9/say_uncle.shtml">"Say Uncle"</a>, is available online.<p>Multiple homicides occur in Koreatown, but the locals aren't talking. A little boy who witnessed the murders goes missing, and the team has to find him before something happens. "Say Uncle" was written by <font color=yellow>Dustin Lee Abraham</font>.<p>The promo can be viewed below, followed by a full transcript. (Please note that the transcript may contain errors.)<p><center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6fm00IN8gRs&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6fm00IN8gRs&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center><p><dl><dt><dd>[An older woman holds a garden hose]<dd>[A young woman in a red tank top rides by on a bicycle]<p></dt><dt><b>ON THE NEXT ALL-NEW EPISODE OF <I>CSI</I></b><p><dd>[Gunshots can be heard]<dd>[The old woman and the woman on the bicycle jerk at the sound]<dd>[People start to react]<dd>[The older woman looks over]<dd>[A man lies dead]<dd>[A woman's body lies nearby]<dd><b>Jim Brass</b>: Two people murdered.<dd>[Several CSIs are on scene]<dd>[Riley Adams looks down at one of the bodies]<dd><b>Riley</b>: Smells like a gang hit.<dd>[Doc Robbins shows Gil Grissom the male victim with trajectory rods in his wounds]<dd><b>Doc Robbins</b>: The male was shot with a revolver.<dd>[The man is shown being hit, blood blossoming on his white shirt]<dd>[Doc Robbins holds up a bullet]<dd><b>Doc Robbins</b>: The female was shot twice with a semi-automatic.<dd>[The female vic walks into the crowd]<dd>[She is shown holding a gun]<dd><b>Doc Robbins</b>: Gangster style.<dd>[The woman jerks back as she is shot]<dd><b>Catherine Willows</b>: Wow, now that's a crime.<dd>[Catherine stands with Brass and two other men]<dd>[An Asian man in a suit talks to Brass]<dd><b>Man</b>: I think they belong to a crew called KD.<dd>[A man in a surgical mask leans over someone while a gun is pointed at his head]<dd><b>Man</b>: The Konghai(?) Dragons<dd>[A profile comes up on the computer screen]<dd><b>Brass</b>: Never heard of 'em.<dd>[The man from the computer profile sits in interrogation]<dd>[The man in the suit explains]<dd><b>Man</b>: The Dragons don't like to be seen. They prefer to be invisible.<dd>[Grissom lifts a pair of black and yellow sunglasses]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: Found a pair of kid's sunglasses with blood spatter all over them.<dd>[A man fires a gun]<dd>[The male victim falls]<dd>[A bullet casing falls to the ground]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: He must have been standing right here.<dd>[A little boy, wearing the sunglasses, stands on the street]<dd>[A man crouches behind a grill]<dd><b>Riley</b>: He would've seen everything.<dd>[Close on the child's face]<dd>[Grissom holds the glasses]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: He's missing, and we have to find this child before something happens to him.<dd>[Greg holds a flashlight and survey's a room]<dd>[The crowd rushes away from the crime scene after the shots are fired]<dd><b>Woman</b>: The boy's name is Park Bang.<dd>[Surveillance footage zooms in on a face]<dd>[Brass speaks to a woman]<dd>[A man turns around]<dd>[The female victim is lying in a bed]<dd><b>Brass</b>: I think the gang killed his uncle and his mother--he saw it. He may already be dead.<dd>[The boy is lying on a bed]<dd>[The child struggles and screams while hands try to hold him down]<dd><b>Woman</b>: We need to find him immediately.<dd>[The boy looks through a chain link fence]<dd>[An overhead shot of Las Vegas]<dd>[Grissom walks down the hall with Greg]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: If the KD really wanted to hurt somebody, they would have sent a more powerful message.<dd>[Henry Andrews enters the lab, where Grissom and Nick are standing]<dd><b>Henry</b>: Park Bang's tox report...<dd>[Close on the paper and a long list of substances]<dd><b>Henry</b>: Never seen anything like it...<dd>[Wendy stands up after looking into a microscope]<dd>[Grissom sits at his desk]<dd><b>Henry</b>: Some of the others aren't even on the market. They're only being used in clinical trials.<dd>[Grissom reads the computer screen, focusing on words like 'regimen']<dd>[Nick looks over at Grissom]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: How does a little kid with a junkie mother and a gangster father get on a clinical trial?<dd>[A door is pushed open at the end of a corridor]<dd>[Catherine and Brass stand by as a man reaching to open another door in the hall]<dd>[A fingerprint is magnified]<dd>[A woman runs with her baby in her arms, holding a little boy by the hand]<dd>[Officers head down a flight of stairs with a flashlight]<dd>[The flashlight illuminates a bunk in what looks like a basement]<dd>[A door is kicked down]<dd>[An old woman holds up a gun]<dd>[Riley stops short, pulling out her weapon]<dd><b>Riley</b>: She's got a gun!<dd>[Close on Nick's face]<dd>[Riley points her gun at the old woman, who still holds her own gun high]<dd>[There is some sort of explosion in the basement, sending dust through the air]<dd><b>Male voice</b>: Call the paramedics! Officer down!<p></dt><dt><b>DON'T MISS AN ALL-NEW EPISODE OF <I>CSI</I>, CBS THURSDAY</b><p><dd>[Text-over: '<I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>, TV's #1 show, New episode, Thursday 9/8 C']</dt></dl><p>"Say Uncle" will air November 13 on CBS. Thanks to <font color=yellow>sspeedle</font> on <A class="link" HREF="http://www.youtube.com/">YouTube</a>.<center></center>