
I have to do testing tomorrow for the possibility of getting more time for when I take the SATs. I was wondering how tough are the SATs I have a friend who took them and said they weren't hard.

For my own curiosity.
we never had to take the SATs at my school, we had to take the ACT which i've heard is quite similar. i didn't find the ACT very hard at all, just long and boring.

good luck on your test!
What is SAT? I have heard them at many tv shows about High school kids but I have no idea... just that it is a test... but about what and for what? what do they display?

The SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The SAT is administered by the College Board not-for-profit corporation in the United States and is developed, published, and scored by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).

The current SAT Reasoning Test is administered in about 3 hours and 45 minutes. After SAT's introduction in 1901, its name and scoring has changed several times. In 2005, the test was renamed as "SAT Reasoning Test" with possible scores from 600 to 2400 combining test results from three 800-point sections (math, critical reading, and writing), along with other subsections scored separately.
so your high school diploma doesn't count or anything?

here you have three levels of high school and based on that you can go either to community college, college or a university.
your SAT or ACT score determines which colleges you can get into, some schools require a higher score than others and obviously you have to have a hs diploma to go at all.
Instead of the SAT I, I took the ACT...They say the SAT is easier than the ACT...But I had no choice but to take the SAT II...I can't remember what SAT II subjects I actually took. :lol: You actually have a choice between the SAT I and the ACT. Go for SAT I, it's much easier.