Sarah Connor Chronicles


Head of the Swing Shift
From TV Guide online:

Hearing about this made me melancholy for my childhood, when rerunning a TV show's entire previous season during the summer was the norm. (The kiddies reading this blog are going, "Ooh, tell us more stories, Grandpa!") Starting August 10 and airing Sunday through Wednesday at 9 pm/ET, Fox is airing every episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicle's first season.

If you need me to spell it out for you, I shall oblige:

Sunday, Aug. 10: "Pilot"
Monday, Aug. 11: "Gnothi Seauton"
Tuesday, Aug. 12: "The Turk"
Wednesday, Aug. 13: "Heavy Metal"
Sunday, Aug. 17: "Queen’s Gambit"
Monday, Aug. 18: "Dungeons and Dragons"
Tuesday, Aug. 19: "The Demon Hand"
Wednesday, Aug. 20: "Vick’s Chip"
Sunday, Aug. 24: "What He Beheld"
Hearing about this made me melancholy for my childhood, when rerunning a TV show's entire previous season during the summer was the norm.

I resemble that remark! :lol: Ah, the good ole days!

Thanks for sharing.:) I really liked that show.
I miss reruns in a way too. :( Oh well, glad they are re-airing that show. I will probably rewatch the episodes. It is a good show. Glad it is coming back.