Sara Sidle and Det Vartan


CSI Level Three
Is it just me who sees something between them..... please let there be others... I havent seen much of season five - but the bits I have seen with him opening doors for her, and Sara standing close to him.... it has made me a shipper... are there any more "Sartan" shippers? :D
Nice !!!
*raises hand half a way*
Well I don't ship them..but I enjoy them together, so I like this ship :).
I really like Det. Vartan...he's so cool. And I love how Sara says "VARTAN"...muahhh

so you're not alone...;)
yey, someone else - i thought it was just me :) btw when has Sara said Vartan? I thought it was weird that I;'ve never heard her say it.... and the poor guy hasn't a first name yet :(
I like him, he is very handsome and I think they look quite cute together :)
I caught him in a repeat episode. He has great rapport with Sara. I can see them together. He's hot.
uh well ok, what got me hooked was in Mea Culpa, when Sara was getting out og the car with Greg - and Vartann opened the door for her.... I thought, mmm he's nice - then while they were in the house, Sara stood really close to him, and i swear they had a look..... so I thought, is Sara doesn't get with Grissom..... Vartann is her man. :) Also in. bloodlines, they had a few moments there - but it's late and my mind is blank.... but there are more bits... :)