Sara & Grissom -- I went to the thread-- still "clueless"


Forgive me, I'm new to this and all internet corresponding... please will someone just give me some episode titles I can download to catch up (about what I have managed to gleen here and there? I'm just figuring out how to navigate this media :eek:
Alrighty, let's see if we can get you set up. ;)

My reason for moving the conversation to the shipper forum is that this is the General CSI Discussion forum, where we talk about all three shows, and you're specifically mentioning them in a relationship. ;) Your best bet to find out about episodes that show information for Grissom and Sara is in the GSR thread. If you click the link I just posted, you can use the page numbers at the top of the thread to get to the last page. If you make a post in there asking about which episodes have GSR in them, I'm more than sure that they could tell you. :lol:

I believe that "Way to Go," the season 6 finale episode that you mentioned in the other thread, is the first official scene showing Grissom and Sara in a relationship. I know that there have been several episodes in season 7 that had GSR stuff, but since I don't watch Vegas as regularly as NY, I don't know which ones for sure. :)

So definitely head to the GSR thread and ask them which episodes are the best ones to watch for the couple. However, we aren't allowed to discuss downloading on TalkCSI since it is illegal. ;) iTunes, however, is a perfectly legal way of getting the show online. :)

I'll leave this thread open until we've gotten things settled. :)
Not a problem--it's hard to figure things out at first. ;) Let me know if you find what you're looking for.