Sandle Fanfic: Everything I Need--corrected the link


Lab Technician
All the discussion about the final scene of Happenstance has inspired me. Here's a new fanfic I wrote. Rated pg-13/M (not too graphic)
Link removed by Sissi due to the PG meter
Please read and review, along with my other two. Enjoy!
i don't know how many time i'm gonna say that but it looks like i should say it again: No links for stories over the PG meter!!!!

Sorry Labgeekluvr (your story was really good btw)
I got your PM but I see sissi has addressed the issue. For safety purposes since this is a PG-13 board linking can only be done to PG content fictions. Some PG-13 stories I have read can be borderline adult content for some younger readers. Hope you understand the reasoning behind this as we want to follow the rules and protect our posters.
After some discussion with the fan fiction moderators I wanted to let everyone know I won't be posting anymore fanfics here unless I'm sure they're toned down enough to be age appropriate. Those who would like to read my pieces come on over to and look for labgeekluvr. Thanks all.