Sam Brauns Death


This has been bugging me since the 7th season aired.After the 3 eppy (with the talking corpses) we find out that he has possibly died (brass says something to catherine about it).My problem is i think if they had to kill him,it should of at least been dedicated to a full episode,i mean he could have been considered a main character as he was bery involved with show.

What are your thoughts on this?
Re: Sam Brauns Death (sorry if spelt wrong) SPOILERS POSSIBL

My problem is that they killed him kinda quick and without explanation.
I know Catherine wasn't very close to him -although it seems that they had decided to make efforts in this department, but still I mean it was his dad. She didn't seem too affected when he died.

I don't think his death was necessary.

I didn't even know he was dead until season 7 began :eek::lol:
Re: Sam Brauns Death (sorry if spelt wrong) SPOILERS POSSIBL

GrissomFREAK said:I didn't even know he was dead until season 7 began :eek::lol:

That's strange because he didn't die until the second episode of season 7. So of course you wouldn't have known before then.
Re: Sam Brauns Death (sorry if spelt wrong) SPOILERS POSSIBL

After the 3 eppy (with the talking corpses) we find out that he has possibly died (brass says something to catherine about it).

he died in btk part 2, he was shot by an ex-buissnes partner...and it can be seen on screen so there shouldn't be any confusion!
Re: Sam Brauns Death (sorry if spelt wrong) SPOILERS POSSIBL

cathwillows said:
After the 3 eppy (with the talking corpses) we find out that he has possibly died (brass says something to catherine about it).

he died in btk part 2, he was shot by an ex-buissnes partner...and it can be seen on screen so there shouldn't be any confusion!

..well, thats one way to do it. :D
Actually he wasn't considered a main character at all, he was considered what is called a "Recurring Guest" means he has Guest starred on the show as the same person more then one time.

Actually by that way of thinking when Det. Lockwood was shot and killed then he should have also had a full ep as well.

But the thing is both were "Recurring Guests" and both were quickly killed off more then likely for that possible reason, killed then the case moved forward, or in Sams ep Shot and then case done and over, they shot and killed the guy who did it, they knew the reason why, but my bet is on the fact that either men were regular cast. Basically expendable to the show if they needed them to be.

Also why does this contain a spoiler warning? Its aired already in the U.S. once that happens its no longer considered a spoiler.