Ryan wolfe/jonathan togo montages


Hit and Run
umm..is this allowed..i mean am i allowed to open a thread for only ryan wolfe/jonathan togo pictures,icons and banners because i saw that there are threads for grissom and catherine from csi las vegas,if it is not allowed please lock this thread.thanks. :)
here's a picture(s) to start the thread,hope you like them!! :)
wolfe3 wolfe4
hope you like them.
Love the pics! I snagged them for future use! :D

Anyways - in case this thread is ok.....I will post these here.
Here are 5 more Wolfe icons

(thanks for the help cathwillows!)



*jumps in* Tadaa! The mod is here! :D

Well, this thread is OK as long as you post the mentioned collages/montages of JT/RW, not only some pictures ;)

Concerning banners (220 x 75 pixel) and icons (100 x 100) please keep posting them in the already existing threads, that's why they are there. ;)
A collage is a mixtures of different pctures that tell a story or are just random pics put together to represent one character or more. Hope that helps. :)
Ok - this might sound stupid but how then is it different then a wallpaper?
Well, I'd say the difference is the size. Most montages are smaller than WPs, so... ah, I can't explain it well, I'm too tired, sorry! :)
Oh ok - didn't look hard enough at your examples......sorry!! Cool.....new stuff to try out! Thanks! Have a good night!
Hey Speed - those challenge pics are really getting around! :lol: I love it! Great collage!!! :D
Uuuh, these 'Nailed' pictures! :eek: *brrrrr* I always have to close my eyes when I see them :D

Great and sexy stuff guys, and wolfe_love_2007, that's a very pretty collage! Yummy! Please keep on posting, perhaps I can manage it to make some stuff too.