Robert David Hall

CSI Files

<p><font color=yellow>Robert David Hall</font> first showed up on <i>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</i> as Dr. Al Robbins in <A class="link" HREF="">"Who Are You?"</a> and has been playing the crusty, lovable coroner ever since. In anticipation of Robbins' venture outside the morgue in the upcoming episode <A class="link" HREF="">"The Gone Dead Train"</a>, Hall took the time to speak to CSI Files about what takes Doc Robbins out of the morgue and into the field, as well as the coroner's relationship with the newest team members and his projects outside of <i>CSI</i>, including an upcoming CD. Some spoilers ahead! <p><b>CSI Files:</b> This season has brought quite a few changes to <i>CSI</i>. What was your reaction when you found out <font color=yellow>Laurence Fishburne</font> was joining <i>CSI</i>? <p><b>Robert David Hall:</b> I couldn't believe how fortunate we were to get such a great actor. He's like one of those wish list guys. I've been working with him now for six months. He is a generous, generous actor, and he brings kind of a gravitas to the thing. It's a different vibe from <font color=yellow>William Petersen</font> (Gil Grissom), but I think it's a great one. The crew loves him because he's professional and respectful of everybody who's doing the job. And the cast, we're pretty well oiled--we've been working together for so long, and he just fit right in. The thing you notice about him is that he's very serious about developing his character. And I think that will pay off for the audience, too. He and I have a little camaraderie or chemistry based on the fact that we worked together all of those years ago, and I just like working with him. I loved working with Billy, but Billy wore several hats. He was also an executive producer as well as the star of the show, and he had pressures on him that Laurence doesn't have. There's no replacing Billy, but Laurence is his own man, and we're actually having a good time working with him. Me especially--I worked with him twenty years ago on a movie. <p><b>CSI Files:</b> You worked with him on <i>Class Action</i>. <p><b>Hall:</b> It was <font color=yellow>Gene Hackman</font> and <font color=yellow>Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio</font>'s movie, directed by <font color=yellow>Michael Apted</font>. Laurence was Larry Fishburne back in those days, and he had done <i>Apocalypse Now</i> back when he was 14 or 15, and he was on <i>Pee Wee's Playhouse</i> playing Cowboy Curtis. My son is all grown up, but I remember I used to make pancakes on Saturday morning and we'd sit down and watch <i>Pee Wee's Playhouse</i> and there was Laurence Fishburne! <p><b>CSI Files:</b> Ray Langston and Doc Robbins seem to have a rapport right off the bat. They really seemed to get along and bond right away. <p><b>Hall:</b> The characters do because he's a physician who can also legally and medically perform an autopsy. And I think the two guys respect each other as medical professionals, but it turns out as we find out in this episode coming up, <A class="link" HREF="">"The Gone Dead Train"</a>, they're both huge blues fanatics. So that's going to be revealed in the episode. They also have almost a Laurel and Hardy relationship when they get out of the lab. They're very professional guys, but there was a comedic element to this show that I just enjoyed. I think the fans of the show will enjoy it. It has the feel of an older <i>CSI</i> episode, but it's got some comic turns in it that made me laugh. <p><b>CSI Files:</b> What can you share about the episode? <p><b>Hall:</b> This particular episode really centers around Doc Robbins. He had four bodies in the space of three weeks where he can't identify the cause of death, and in nine years this has never happened. He's like me, Irish and Welsh, and he's not going to take it lying down. So he does something a little bit illegal: he sort of talks Catherine (<font color=yellow>Marg Helgenberger</font>) and Langston into helping him go out of the lab to do a little more research to find out what happened, how these particular deaths occurred. The adventure ensues. Doc Robbins and Langston go on a road trip to Reno to illegally examine medical records. Doc Robbins goes with Catherine out to a trailer park where she's almost murdered by a person who has rabies. It's been very dry here in Southern California, but we were out on a Friday night and they decided the scene would look better in rain so I'm standing under this giant hydraulic hose for most of my scenes! I loved it. Most of the time I do all of my scenes in a day or two, and [in this episode] I got to work seven out of our nine shooting days. So I had a ball. <p><b>CSI Files:</b> What about these four cases gets under Doc Robbins' skin so much?<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full interviews, please click <A HREF="">here</A>.<center></center>
...just been catching up on all the new News postings and all.

Another great interview, it was very enjoyable to read. It was great to hear him speak of his co-workers and the characters and the show as a whole, and about the newer members of their cast, his earlier work with Laurence Fishburne, the relationships and rapport between everybody and between the characters. Also how he got the role in the first place and how it took off, and what he hopes to see for his character down the road. I never knew he was a singer/songwriter either, so that was fun to learn about his personal projects. It was also nice to hear him speak candidly about encouraging opportunities for disabled people in the business, or in any business at all.

Between this one and the interview with Corey Miller, it was an engaging, fun and insightful break. Thanks very much for both, and to both men for taking the time.
Excellent interview! :D

I really enjoyed reading his insight into his character, as well as his character's relationship with the various other members of the team. I'm definitely looking forward to this week's episode, too. ;)
I always love reading/seeing interviews with RDH. He's always to articulate & well spoken, bringing his old 'radio days' back to the forefront. And I always love the way he gushes about all of his co-stars.
I'm so glad he got the job. I can't imagine CSI without Doc Robbins. He's added so much to the show with his humour and intelligence and Hall is such a great actor and just a nice all around guy.
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I agree, mfcsi, he is great! Doc Robbins being a bad boy? This should be good.

He is a very positive person and that's great. I think Robbins and Langston could have a great relationship.

I'm so glad he mentioned George and his back, cause us fans were wondering if he had surgery and how he's doing.

I still love his line in Grissom's last episode: "I'm never retiring". I believe it. I could see him just die in the morgue so no one would have to go out and get him. Just crawl up on the table and go. :lol:

I love him and Super Dave together too. Those two crack me up, sometimes! :lol:
I love Doc Robbins! What a fantastic interview. :D Robert David Hall always comes across as very interesting and insightful, and, of course, he's great as Doc Robbins, I can't imagine CSI without him. :)

I'd love to see the Doc's family, or anything more about him really. He definitely is a character who could be explored.

All the best to George Eads too, I hope he recovers quickly. :)
I so love Doc Robbins :) The morgue would be so empty without him. He brings such a great sense of humour in the show.

I love his character and the fact that he gets something more in the show now :thumbsup:
Nice interview. Very classy. I like how he is complimentary of all his castmates, past and present.
It will be good to see him more in this next episode.
Excellent interview. Robert is such am articulate and well educated man, it's a pleasure to read him.

About RDH's comments about Jorja. Does anyone know what movie she's supposed to be getting ready for? I really want her back on CSI with WP even if only as guests but if she's doing other work I think I would like to see her in what ever she's doing. She's had two years off; must be nice to be able to take that amount of time off and not have to worry about the bills.

I hope George is doing better after the surgury. I alway liked it when Nick and Sara worked a case like in Gum Drops they alway reminded me of a Big Brother and Little Sister combo.