Review: CSI: NY--'Out Of The Sky'

CSI Files

Bodies keep piling up after robbers steal five million dollars worth of jewelry from a lawyer. Synopsis: As lawyer Roland Carson argues with a client, Melvin La Grange, several thieves burst into Carson’s apartment. Carson’s bodyguard James Belson rushes Carson and La Grange to safety, but La Grange lunges for his gun and only gets [...]

Great review as always, Kristine! :)

I agree with everything you said. Coincidences are a necessity on a show like this, but too many coincidences in one episode just start looking silly. They could have streamlined the episode and allowed more time for Danny to interact with Belson.

Speaking of Belson, your comments about his scenes with Danny reminded me of when Louie showed up years ago - even though he was Danny's brother, we didn't see much in the way of interaction. (Did they even interact other than the flashback and Danny's one-sided conversation in the hospital?) This is a different situation, obviously, but the same holds true - if you want us to feel the connection between two characters, there needs to be an opportunity to actually develop the connection. You can't just tell us about it, we should see it. Whether it's old colleagues or siblings or friends or whatever.

Mac had some really funny lines in this one. Flack was flawless as always. Jo is adorable (the only redeeming part of the ~wishing~ scene for me was her wishes :p). Adam is an idiot, and I love him. I don't remember much about Hawkes. NEEDS MOAR SID! ;)
For once I actually didn't mind Lindsay. I think it's because she is better when Anna is paired with Gary and I think she did OK with Sela too.

NY is the winner when it comes to telling and not showing. It didn't really bug me at the time I was watching it, but I see your point about not getting the connection between Danny and Bilson.