Review: CSI: New York--'Unusual Suspects'

CSI Files

The NY team finds there’s more than meets the eye to the shooting of a fourteen-year-old boy.Synopsis:Mac Taylor is introducing Aubrey Hunter to his favorite pizza in the city when they’re distracted by the sound of an ambulance rushing to a nearby location. They follow and discover a fourteen-year-old boy named Nicky Harris has been [...]

Excellent review, as always. :)

I loved seeing Flack interact with Sam. I'd been looking forward to seeing that ever since the spoilers came out about it, and I was not disappointed. Eddie Cahill is phenomenal, and Aaron Refvem did a great job as Sam.

Adam is hilarious and I love his antics. :lol: I also loved seeing him visit Sid in the morgue again! They're two characters I'd love to see interact more - it obviously can't work out that way very often since Adam tends to stick to the lab and Sid tends to stick to the morgue, but I like that they found a way to include another scene with them after the one in "Child's Play" a few years ago. Adam could have asked Hawkes about it (although I'm sure any one of the CSIs could have pulled the knowledge out of a hat since they tend to know everything on these shows ;)), but I'm glad they chose to use Sid. I love Sid. :adore:

The scene where the guy got hit by the bus really startled me. :eek: