Review: CSI: New York--'The Formula'

CSI Files

Mac faces heavy opposition from the city when he threatens to postpone a car race in order to investigate what caused one of the racer’s cars to go up in flames. Synopsis: An exhibition race between drivers Liza Gray and Davi Santos ends in tragedy when Davi’s car ignites and slams into a wall. The driver escapes [...]

Great review as usual, m'dear. :D

I didn't mind the racing stuff so much - I'm not sure if it's just not as big in the episode as the golf was on CSI, or if it's because my dad is into NASCAR and I've been a bit familiar with it since I was a kid. All of the technical mumbo jumbo was still over my head, though. :p

I was glad to see Adam back after being gone for two episodes in a row - he missed lingerie football players and vampires, but at least he got to work the race car case. He deserves it after missing the spy car back in season 4. ;) (Oh geez, it's sad that I remember so many of the cool cases he missed - like the one with the dead shark. :lol:)

Anyway, his comments about Playstation and 'boom' were funny, and the conversation with Lindsay was fun until Danny had to toss in a Mon-TAAAAAH-na reference. *eye twitch* Even if she is into racing, I'm pretty sure loving it isn't a requirement to get your Montana Citizen card (or that it would mean she's automatically from Montana as opposed to anywhere else, like North Carolina). Using Montana to define the character has never really been something in her favor, especially when the way it is done so often relies on generalizations.

The 'you're the real heroes' line was so not subtle. :rolleyes: That aside, Danica did a decent job in the episode. The only part that made me cringe a bit was when they showed her leaving the hospital in the old footage - the delivery was bad for at least part of it. (I don't really want to go back and rewatch the scene to reevaluate my opinion. :p) All in all, the stunt casting wasn't bad this time around. :)
Agree, agree, agree, agree, agree! Because I like racing I enjoyed this episode, but I can see where someone who doesn't follow it wouldn't get the kick I did out of the hauler scene and the references to the rivalries Danica mentioned.

They really did miss a prime opportunity to bring back the goodness between Lindsay and Mac but were consistant in keeping all the personal stuff between him and Stella. Putting Stella in a car at the end was a huge stretch for me, but not something that will keep me from coming back.

I thought Danica did okay. Nothing could have saved the heroes' line at the end. It was definitely cringeworthy.

As for the Montana reference: it's making Danny look very one-dimensional. He has created a baby with Lindsay, married her, and now lives with her in the same abode and he still attributes all that makes her interesting to being from Montana. Pretty short-sighted if you ask me. I think it may be his day in the barrel. The show is really killing his character and at this point it can't be blamed on Lindsay or his marriage to her. I just don't know what they are going to do with him but he needs something, a cause or a passion that accomodates his new circumstances.
Thanks for the review, Kristine!

As more of a casual viewer of NY, I don't want to be too critical. But, as you noted, the similarities to the LV episode were way too obvious. Even down to the end scene with Mac and Stella, insert Nick and Catherine.
That said, there were some enjoyable scenes with the cast, and Danica did a credible job, although the modeling scene was filler and went on a little too long. And completely agree about her final line about the 'real heroes'; it was sincerely cheesy and cringeworthy. It's something I come to laugh at and expect to see in Miami, but the NY and LV shows both seem to be getting more of that 'Horatio effect' lately, especially evident in LF's character.

It does seem like Lindsay would have been the better choice to race with Mac in the end.

Other than those points, it was a pretty enjoyable episode.
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I disagree that Danny's becoming "one-demensional" doesn't have anything to do with Lindsay. All that Lindsay has as a character is being from Montana so of course they're going to have Danny tie anything interesting about her to being from there. The writers have chosen to make anything at all interesting about her tied to the fact that she's from Montana even if it makes no sense whatsoever. I think it speaks much more to Lindsay being "one-demensional" than it does Danny. Danny's loss of passion pretty much coincided with his marrying Lindsay and having Lucy. I don't see how it wouldn't be connected.
But he doesn't have to tie everything to her being from Montana at this point. That's my point. They have been married the bigger portion of a year and have known each other for four years before that. Five years is long enough to learn that a person is more than where they are from. Lindsay moved across the country, jumped in and learned about the city she moved to, went to the opera, can quote sports statistics with the best of them, follows international racing, and is open to exotic quisine. This tells me that there is a lot more to her than a country girl from Montana. The fact that he still has only one view of her and everything new that comes up he ties back to Montana shows that he is stuck in that view. Maybe one-dimensional isn't the right term to use but it's kinder than shallow and narrow minded which were my other choices.

I will agree that marriage and fatherhood had to change him in some ways but I'm really surprised that the writers haven't found a direction for him yet. They worked him very hard last year trying to be a good enough man for Lindsay and being excited about the baby. Even if it wasn't chasing bad guys it was something. During the injury episodes this season we saw him fight some to regain his life but now he seems at a standstill with no passion, no goal, no fire.