Review: CSI: New York--'Sangre Por Sangre'

CSI Files

Mac Taylor takes on a powerful gang after their leader is shot and impaled on a hotel awning. Synopsis: Mac, bleeding from a gunshot wound to the arm, hunts a man in an abandoned warehouse. The man raises two guns and fires at Mac… and the story flashes back twelve hours, to the discovery of [...]

This episode fell flat for me mostly because I was annoyed at how NY only brings diversity to the yard when they need to have a lot of ciminals on the show. But I absolutely loved EJO's performance and liked the way he and Gary played off each other. And Adam and Hawkes are always a joy to watch together.

Once again a great review!
Excellent review, as always. :D

I was kind of bored for most of the episode. It was more slow-paced than NY usually is, which isn't automatically a bad thing - but I apparently have a short attention span. :lol:

Another thing that confused me about the DNA on the glass in Panthro's hotel room was that they didn't immediately rule out a woman - even if they didn't have a hit in CODIS, wouldn't they have known it was a man? I might have missed something, but I don't think they ruled out Lisa at that point. :confused:

Adam and Hawkes were fun in their scenes. Adam is such a dork - I do wonder about all of these connections he apparently has, and all of his wacky knowledge about things a good law-abiding lab tech shouldn't know. :p


