Review: CSI: New York--'Pot Of Gold'

CSI Files

After a blogger and an unidentified man are found murdered, Mac follows up on a lead given to him by Reed Garrett.Synopsis:Mac is interrupted from his conversation with a beautiful woman in his favorite deli by a text summoning him to the site of a double homicide. When he arrives at the scene, he learns [...]

Great review as usual, m'dear. :D

I liked seeing Reed again - I hope this isn't the last time we see him. I really like the relationship between him and Mac.

Aubrey seems promising so far - there's no denying that she's lovely, and Gary and Mädchen have good chemistry. I'm curious to see how it goes from here. :)

Adam was hilarious. Filming the scene with Hawkes must have been fun for AJ and Hill. :p

Good acting from the guest stars this week as well. There were a lot of convenient Irish connections (particularly the memorial, as you mentioned), but overall I didn't mind. It was an interesting case, and it brought back a character we haven't seen in a whlie - so it's all good. :D
There’s a remoteness to Mac, and a reserve that is hard to penetrate, and any actress cast opposite him has to contend with that. Mac might be a brilliant scientist, but like shy people so often are, he’s simply a little bit awkward when it comes to making new connections. Gary Sinise seems keenly aware of this barrier his character unconsciously puts up, and it’s a testament to his skill and consistency as an actor that he doesn’t simply morph the character to make romance progress smoothly.
That was so well said about Mac.

As much as love Mac and Stella to 'get it on' This new character has totally intrigued me. She is not the aggressor like Peyton was. She does have a bit of mystery to her. This whole relationship reminds me of when Mac asked out that women Rose from the end of Season 1. He was still reeling from Claire's death and Stella told him it was time...

Although nothing came of that relationship, this new potential one has all the mystery, suspense and curiosity of something new for Mac. I like you, am curious to where it will go.