Review: CSI: New York--'Point Of View'

CSI Files

Mac Taylor becomes suspicious of a neighbor after a man visiting the neighbor’s apartment turns up dead. Synopsis: Mac ends up with a fractured wrist and several broken ribs after a suspect he’s pursuing pushes him over a railing at the opera. A week later, while laid up in his apartment, he notices a neighbor at the [...]

Great review. While I hated this episode overall, I loved the Mac/Peyton interaction. I, too, feel like this episode gave Peyton the lead in the race for Mac's heart, but I hope we get some interesting stuff with Aubrey too. I don't want it to be soapish, and if it isn't I think it'll be intriguing to see where the "triangle" leads.

I am so over the Shane Casey story line. I was so excited when I heard they were bringing him back, but the way it's been done has just been horrid, IMO. They've made him batshit insane for no apparent reason. They've made him target Danny for no apparent reason. They've made Danny and Lindsay and the rest of the team more stupid than any of them has ever been to further the story line. And the promo for the finale looks more ridiculous than terrifying. To me it's just been a waste of Edward Furlong and Carmine Giovinazzo's talents to play it out the way it has been.
You're cranking out these reviews! And this one is great, as usual. ;)

Adam was adorable poking around Mac's apartment. :adore:

I was looking forward to Gale Harold's appearance - he didn't get nearly enough to do in the episode, but I had the same complaint when Bobby Gant was in "Green Piece" (and when Bobby, Chad Allen and Peter Paige were all in episodes of Miami). So I guess I'm just biased. :p

I'm not sure how I feel about the Peyton thing - I always love seeing old characters come back, and at least she didn't come back as a murderer or anything! :lol: I like Aubrey, so I think I'd prefer Mac continuing to pursue a relationship with her, but I guess we'll see when season seven rolls around - my guess is that Mac's choice will be determined by actress availability. ;)

The stuff with Shane Casey had potential, but I think the big problem is that it's been dragged out over too much of the season. I could buy all of this happening in several consecutive episodes, but the way it's been stretched out since the twelfth episode of the season just doesn't work - especially since episode 12 aired more than 4 months ago. It just seems like such a long time to drag out the story, and having episodes that don't mention it followed by episodes where it's a big deal followed by more episodes where the storyline may as well not exist just...didn't work for me. I just don't get it. And while I accept what Peter Lenkov said about how the badge being stolen isn't that big of a deal, a psycho serial killer running around New York with a badge and a police uniform is kind of a big frickin' deal. I dunno, I just feel like it could have been handled better, but I'll wait to see how the storyline ends before I pass judgment. (Well okay, I'm already judging it, but you know what I mean. :p)
Great review!!!That episode was one of my favorites ever!!!I liked it so much because it had a unique approach to the case as we "were" inside Mac's apartment.