Review: CSI: New York--'LAT 40° 47' N/Long 73° 58'W'

CSI Files

The New York team tracks a killer who makes his murders look like suicides–and leaves a compass at each scene; Flack continues to struggle with Angell’s death. Synopsis: An apparently deranged man paces in an apartment, writing a note that ends with “I’m sorry” and grabbing a length of rope. The next morning, a tour group on [...]

Very nice review as always. When we found out that the killer had been to the mourge I couldn't help but wonder if we were going to have another Living Doll/Dead Doll situation only with Sid in Sara's place. Danny's come a long why since the beginging of the season. In Epilogue he was rather pessimistic(sp?), but now look at him. He's doing what he can so he can walk again. I feel bad for Flack and I hope he finds a better way of coping with Angell's death then he is know. Overall a good episode and I can't wait for the next part of this story arc.
Excellent review, as usual m'dear. :)

The case itself seemed to drag, but that can be expected when a multi-episode arc is getting started. They have to set things up for the real climax later on - but either way, the case wasn't the best part of this episode (although I am curious to see what's up with Skeet Ulrich's character).

The best part was the stuff with Flack. The only problem I have is that sometimes people act a bit OOC so that we don't see them supporting/confronting other characters - as if that enables them to draw the storyline out a bit longer. Not that I think Flack would be a-okay if Stella had spoken to him instead of Mac, or that I think Flack would suddenly be over what happened if Mac actually spoke to him instead of dismissing the necessity - but it would have been more in line with their previous behaviors.

Still not a fan of Haylen after her second appearance - when I compare her introduction with Jesse's over on Miami, I know which one I prefer. I'm glad she's the specialest snowflake ever in the history of snow, and that Mac gets all of her brilliance at zero cost to him (or poor, nervous Adam's job), but I'm just not a fan. I hope to have my mind changed, especially if they eventually make her a reg, but they really need to work out the budget stuff before then if they expect me to swallow it. (Ideally, if the lab can't afford to keep all of its employees, the show wouldn't twist the canon they've established so that they could add another character when there are already characters who don't get enough focus, but I digress.) I guess we'll see.

So Lucy is 10 months old - she'll probably be walking right around the time Danny starts walking, and I'm betting myself two chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk that we'll probably see some corny montage of them walking together, overlayed by the song of the week, before Christmas. But we'll see.

As for Lucy's age, Angell's birthday and anything else that requires a logical timeline - I've been forced to stop expecting this show to have any kind of realistic timeline of events. Storylines, character backstories, dates - if it doesn't matter to TPTB to keep it consistent, it doesn't matter to me.