Review: CSI: New York--'It Happened To Me'

CSI Files

Hawkes is wracked with guilt after a man he treated while volunteering turns up dead a few hours later.Synopsis:A man lies dead in a crosswalk in the middle of a New York street, surrounded by a pool of his own blood. When the CSIs arrive, Hawkes is surprised to recognize the man, though he doesn’t [...]

Excellent review as always, m'dear. :)

It was definitely great to get a Hawkes-centric episode. Hill was awesome, but I would expect nothing less. :D The end felt a bit rushed, like they should have divided the story up into two episodes - but with the crossover coming next week, the episodes would have been split up and it would have lost some of the impact. I do hope we get to see the financial storyline continue. (Bonus points if we get to see Mac and Hawkes living together and Mac cussing him out for putting the toilet paper on backwards or something. :lol: I'm not holding my breath, but oh, the possibilities. :p)

The scene with Danny and Flack was classic. :adore: Sid was awesome, as always. :thumbsup:

Somebody needs to comfort poor Adam about the Haylen situation instead of dismissing his worry as being 'silly' (I don't buy that it was all about the lab being rearranged, although I can see how that would be annoying if you have a system) - as if he didn't almost lose his job last season. But at least he didn't singe off his eyebrows (or beard - that would be a tragedy :eek:). I agree that it's odd that there's been nothing to indicate that he and Stella slept together. While I get that they don't want to go forward with the relationship, I can't buy that 'it should never happen again' translates into them completely forgetting that it happened. Even if they never go out or have another tryst, even a brief sexual relationship should, logically, have an effect on their relationship. Nothing about the way they interact gives me the impression that casual sex would be a non-issue. For some people, sure, but not Adam and Stella. It feels like having them sleep together in the first place was pointless - why bother if they aren't going to do anything else with it? It wasn't even that buzzworthy. :wtf:
Another great review! Thanks!

I have to say that Stella really annoyed me in this episode. Based on her character's big heart and all of the things she pulled during the Greek stoyline she's the last person I would expect to be so judgemental of Hawkes. I also thought she was really insensitive to Adam as well. I get what you said about it being consistent with her not dealing with Danny and Flack, but I felt it was slightly different than those other situations because she did make a judgement about Hawkes and his behavior. It just didn't seem like something Stella would do.

But I loved, loved, LOVED the Danny and Flack scene! The show has seriously been lacking in those for a while so it's nice to see it come back a bit this season so far. I agree that it would be all kinds of awesome for Danny to be instrumental in helping Flack overcome his grief and issues. A lot of us have been wanting to see Danny step up and help out Flack for quite a while now and this is the perfect opportunity.
Thanks guys! :)

Somebody needs to comfort poor Adam about the Haylen situation instead of dismissing his worry as being 'silly' (I don't buy that it was all about the lab being rearranged, although I can see how that would be annoying if you have a system) - as if he didn't almost lose his job last season.

Agreed--that's what really stuck out to me. Last year the guy actually got a pink slip. That's bound to make anyone insecure--to say nothing of an ambitious new colleague entering the mix. I think Stella dismissed his concerns as a way to communicate he has nothing to worry about, but still--it's understandable that he'd have those concerns in the first place.

I have to say that Stella really annoyed me in this episode. Based on her character's big heart and all of the things she pulled during the Greek stoyline she's the last person I would expect to be so judgemental of Hawkes. I also thought she was really insensitive to Adam as well. I get what you said about it being consistent with her not dealing with Danny and Flack, but I felt it was slightly different than those other situations because she did make a judgement about Hawkes and his behavior. It just didn't seem like something Stella would do.

I actually don't see Stella as the "mother hen" of the team--I think she is a tough love type, and doesn't really coddle people. Her reaction to Hawkes may have seemed insensitive, but she didn't say it to him--she privately expressed her concerns to Mac, who is her friend. I think she was trying to figure the situation out because she felt the behavior didn't mesh with what she knows of Hawkes.

But I loved, loved, LOVED the Danny and Flack scene! The show has seriously been lacking in those for a while so it's nice to see it come back a bit this season so far. I agree that it would be all kinds of awesome for Danny to be instrumental in helping Flack overcome his grief and issues. A lot of us have been wanting to see Danny step up and help out Flack for quite a while now and this is the perfect opportunity.

It would be really nice, and I feel like Danny is the one person who could reach out to Flack and get a response. Of course, Danny is also the one person who hasn't really witnessed the darkness in Flack, so it could be that Flack is hiding it from Danny. But Danny is pretty perceptive, and I think he's picked up on something being off--hence his comments to Flack at the end of their phone call.

I think what happened in "All in the Family" had so much impact because Flack was the one who went after Danny. I'd like to see something similar happen with this storyline, with Danny reaching out to Flack and being the one who's able to get through.