Review: CSI: New York--'Food For Thought'

CSI Files

A chef is killed in a food truck explosion, leading the team in search of a killer and into the world of mobile cuisine. Synopsis: Hawkes is with his new girlfriend Camille, enjoying a meal at a mobile food truck festival. The World on Wheels truck explodes, and the pair rush to help injured bystanders [...]

Great review!

Sid’s tangent about the summer course he took at a Bavarian culinary academy brings to mind season two’s “Dancing With the Fishes”. Back then, Sid caught a whiff of fish on the victim and was inspired to come up with a seafood dish—which he rattled off right there in the morgue. Intentional or not, it’s a nice bit of continuity, and it reminds me how much I love the wacky coroner.

I didn't know about this. Thanks!

I do have to ask one question, and I’ve asked this before: how old is Lucy? Lindsay says Danny and Lucy brought her breakfast in bed two years ago, but technically speaking, the episode where Lucy was born (“Greater Good”) aired less than two years ago. I never get a good sense of how time passes on New York, and I feel like this is one case where the passage of time fits with whatever is convenient.

The writer of this episode also wrote 'Lat/Long ' of season 6, where Lucy was 10 months but the episode was supposed to be 2 weeks after the premiere (according to Haylen) which was a month after the season 5 finale. :confused: Coincidence? And where the f*ck is Pam Veasey? I though the writers were cecking each episode for plot holes, logic etc.?
I can't help but wonder if Hawkes would have pulled Camille inside if he hadn't heard the ding of the elevator, indicating that someone was coming down the hallway lol.